
Injustice 2: Five Characters We’d Love To See In Season 2

Injustice 2 has gotten some great post-release content since it arrived earlier this year, with a […]

Injustice 2 has gotten some great post-release content since it arrived earlier this year, with a plethora of bonus characters that have added some extra mileage to the beat-em-up. These include fan favorites like Raiden, Starfire, Red Hood, and Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat fame, and pretty soon, we’ll be getting Hellboy (next month) and The Atom (December), with two more big stars set to arrive early next year.

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But that leaves a question: What happens after that? More than likely, we’ll see a second season of content, with new fighters introduced and possible other content to be added to the game. That’s not official, but we’ve seen it before, with Mortal Kombat X getting a stellar second season, including stuff like the Alien (from Alien vs. Predator), Leatherface (from Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and other favorites.

So while we wait for the official announcement – which could come early next year – we’ve begun speculating on fighters that we’d like to see in the second season. We’ve left out a few obvious picks – Enchantress, Constantine – as they could be introduced in Fighter Pack 3. But these would be some good favorites to throw into the mix. Let’s talk about who we’d like to see!

Booster Gold

Considering that Iron Man can’t be added to the Injustice mix (for obvious reasons), we might as well go with a good substitute: Booster Gold. Here’s a guy that knows his way around technology, utilizing it for a number of attacks, like creating force fields, using enhanced strength to pummel his opponents, and creating energy blasts that can tie together into combos with ease.

On top of that, he can use time travel just as good as the Flash can, sending his opponent into a vortex where he can destroy them even more before unfreezing them in the present. Plus, he has a Johnny Cage-like attitude. Hell, you could even give him a finishing animation where he signs an autograph for a fan.


Hawkgirl got a whole lot of love in the original Injustice: Gods Among Us, but what about Hawkman? Anything she can do, he can do just as well, right? He could easily utilize a number of Hawkgirl’s moves in the sequel, but with his own sense of might and strength, such as the Mace Charge, the Mace Toss, the Downward Mace, the Heavenward Stomp, and the Wing Evade. We saw him in the comic series, but now we want him in the game.

For his ultimate, he could even call in Hawkgirl to double-team an opponent before sending them crashing back down to Earth with the Power of Nth. Nothing beats a little hawk power, especially in the Injustice universe.

Dr. Manhattan


We’ve been speculating quite a while that we wouldn’t mind seeing Watchmen‘s Rorschach make an appearance in the Injustice universe, but why stop there? One other character that would be absolutely devastating in a game like Injustice 2 is Dr. Manhattan, whose incredible force capabilities would make him a threat to anyone – even the likes of Brainiac.

And for his Ultimate, he could throw his opponent onto a desolate planet before shredding it to smithereens with a nuclear blast. We’d have to make sure he has a suitable costume, though. His lack of clothes won’t cut it in a Teen rated game.

Plastic Man

We haven’t really seen a good “stretchy” character in a fighting game since Dhalsim in the Street Fighter series. That’s why Plastic Man would be a key addition to the Injustice 2 roster, bringing his extendable limbs in for a number of attacks, including long-range hits and grabs, combos, and his shape-shifting.

For his Ultimate, he could easily fling his enemy into space like a slingshot, before grabbing them and hurling them into asteroids, then jettisoning them to Earth and crushing them in the shape of a weight. That may sound a little far-fetched, but Plastic Man is far more capable of transformation than you may realize. If NetherRealm can make Atom work, then Plastic Man is definitely in the cards.

Ash (Evil Dead)

This is a long shot, but we’re throwing it out there for a few reasons. First, Mortal Kombat XL was loaded with horror “heroes,” so there’s room for Ash to join the party whenever NetherRealm is involved. Second, he’s got all sorts of abilities that would be awesome in a fighting game, like his chainsaw arm and his sawed-off shotgun. Plus, if NetherRealm could get Bruce Campbell to play him, that would make a huge splash.

Bonus: Starz could team up to make the character appearance happen and use it to promote its forthcoming season of Ash vs. Evil Dead, which premieres this February. Now that’s shopping smart… shopping S-Mart.

BONUS: Xavier Woods as Raiden skin

We’re throwing this one in because Xavier Woods, aka Austin Creed, is a gaming nerd just like us with his UpUpDwnDwn YouTube channel. He also seems like a perfect fit for Raiden, considering that he was just included as a skin in WWE Immortals to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Mortal Kombat franchise. So why not throw him into the mix as a good alternate skin for Raiden?

We’d love to see him throw down with fellow opponents using electrical energy, and the game would get a nice boost from the WWE community to boot.

Who would you love to see?