The time has come to see how a true Mortal Kombat martial arts master fairs in the world of Injustice 2. The Injustice 2 Watchtower livestream is going live at 3PM Central, and today we’re taking our first in-depth look at Sub-Zero. We’ve been waiting for this day ever since Sub-Zero was revealed, and this is the first Watchtower stream we’ve seen in a while. Needless to say, we’re long overdue for some surprises. Watch the stream above live with us, and stick around; we have a feeling it’s going to be worth your while.
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Keep in mind these guys are usually a few minutes late. If you don’t see the stream live, just refresh the page and it should show up soon.
There’s one thing we can be sure of during this stream, and one thing that we aren’t sure of, but are suspicious might happen. The thing that we can be sure of is high-level Sub-Zero gameplay and an insider’s look at some of his most effective combo chains. The Watchtower stream is the first place for competitive gamers to tune and see a new character in action and learn from the developers and QA folks directly. Mixups, combo chains, punishes, safe pokes, and more… These guys are going to show you how to use Sub-Zero competitively, so be sure and watch if you want to get a leg up on the competition.
Now the the thing that may or may not happen, that we’re certainly hoping for, is a first look at Starfire. Earlier this morning Ed Boon tweeted out a pretty big teaser that something Starfire related would be on the way soon. You can read more about that here.
Starfire is the third and final DLC character from the first Fighter Pack, which contained Red Hood and Sub-Zero. She’s the only character we haven’t seen any gameplay for, and we’re hoping against hope that NetherRealm Studios will surprise us all by showing off some Starfire gameplay, at least in trailer form, at the end of the stream today.
Stay tuned for that. We’ll have our eyes and ears open, and if Starfire makes her debut, you’ll know right away.