Latest Minecraft Leak Claims Automated Crafting for a Future Update

A new Minecraft leak is implying that Mojang's sandbox game might get automated crafting soon.

Minecraft has been around for more than a decade now and the developers at Mojang are consistently dropping new content to build on the massive sandbox. In the last few months, players have seen a massive update with the Trails and Tails patch and also gotten a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles DLC. Now that it's been a few months since Trails and Tails dropped, Minecraft players are starting to wonder about what's coming down the pike. While we haven't heard much official info from Mojang, a recent potential leak could be giving us our first real idea about what's up next.

Many times, Mojang pulls from the mods the community makes for new features. The latest possible leak fits right in with that, as it's saying players may get automated crafting in a future update. Like any leak, you'll want to take this with a grain of salt, but this time you should make sure that grain is incredibly large. While automated crafting is very possible, the source of this leak is a little questionable, to say the least. 

For some background, a year ago a Twitter user who went by Roger Badgerman successfully leaked that things like camels, mob votes, and archeology were coming to the game. Their account was then taken down and some thought they were a Mojang employee. A new YouTube Short from Canman18 claims that a new user popped up on Twitter recently and teased automated crafting. This account has used similar terms as the Badgerman account but was also deleted a few weeks ago. The assumption from the YouTube video and some users on Reddit is that the new account and Badgerman are one and the same.

Now, it's very difficult to say if this is true. There's almost no real evidence that the two accounts are linked, but it is strange that the new account was taken down so quickly before it was even able to get a lot of subscribers. That said, it would be smart to not put too much stock into this leak until something more concrete comes forward.

When Is Minecraft Getting a Native Current-Gen Version?


One of the lingering questions over the summer is when Minecraft is getting a native version for Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5. Currently, players are just using the old-gen version on the new consoles, which isn't too big of a problem except that it means those versions can't really take advantage of raytracing and other current-gen-exclusive features. 

Fortunately, it seems like we might be getting the upgrade at some point soon. Earlier this month, someone spotted a posting on the German version of the ESRB (USK) which had a new rating for Minecraft for Xbox Series X/S. If that turns out to be true, then Xbox Series X/S owners will soon have access to a native version of Minecraft. It's impossible to say for sure, but if that's the case, we'll likely see a PS5 version soon after.