League Of Legends' Duskblade Has More Changes Coming After Hotfix

Following the hotfix that toned down Singed’s pressure in the top lane just a day after his [...]

(Photo: Riot Games)

Following the hotfix that toned down Singed's pressure in the top lane just a day after his buffs went through in Patch 7.14, the Duskblade of Draktharr was the next item on the just-buffed list that received a mid-patch nerf recently. In addition to the damage nerf, more changes are expected to hit the lethality item with the next patch as Duskblade's power is closely watched.

"Compared to champion balance it tends to be harder to get a quick read on things with a more systemic effect like items, hence this balance hotfix being quite a bit after the patch compared to what you'd expect for an individual character (needed the extra time over the weekend to make a better assessment)," Riot Meddler said recently about the Duskblade hotfix. "We'll be continuing to work on Duskblade in 7.15 at least as well, with the damage nerf not expected to be a final solve but instead just taking the edge off."

For starters, one of the ways that the item might be further changed in the next patch, according to Meddler, is to make the slow that's attached to the item be melee-only. Nerfing the bonus damage that the item applies for ranged users is also one route that's being considered, but such decisions will likely only come in the next patch as opposed to another hotfix and will be based off of how the Duskblade is performing now after the hotfix.

Below is the damage nerf that was applied to Duskblade recently:

  • NIGHTSTALKER DAMAGE: 105-360 (at levels 1-18) >>>55-360 (at levels 1-18)

Despite the item being hotfixed, it doesn't seem to have fallout out of favor at all in many builds. ADCs are still able to combine it with other lethality items, mid-lane assassins can rush the item like normally and top-lane bullies like Pantheon and Wukong are able to grab the item and shred through squishier champs like nobody's business.

The hotfix sent out for the item follows another change that was mentioned previously, the Singed nerf, that occurred in hardly any time at all. Hotfixes are expected to be more common in upcoming patches as Meddler noted that they're looking to utilize the quick fixes more often, but they're still planning on treading carefully.