Earlier in the week Riot Games showed off a set of new skins that would commemorate SKT T1’s victory at the latest World Championship back in 2016. While fans were, on the whole, impressed by the new skins, they didn’t end up being the most interesting story to come out of their own video. That would, instead, be a piece of information that was leaked inside the video, information that points towards a new Tristana skin being in the works.
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Reddit detectives were quick to notice that in one scene where the devs were showing off some concept art for the new SKT T1 skins that there were a few more tabs open on the devs’ photoshop than just the SKT T1 skins. One of those tabs, when zoomed in on, was titled “Omega_Squad_Tristana”. As of the video’s airing, there hasn’t been any announcement of such a skin, but easter eggs like this tend to lead to something.
The Omega Squad skin line currently has but a single member, Teemo. Considering the lore behind the skin — that is, the story behind Teemo’s former special forces team formed entirely of Yordles — Tristana would be a sensical second member for the skin line, but it’s hard to imagine how many more are possible. The Omega Squad was a militant group of Yordles, but there aren’t many more military minded Yordles in the game at the moment outside of Teemo and Tristana. Omega Squad Heimerdinger seems like a bit of a stretch.
WWG’s Matt Best managed to overcome his hatred of Teemo for a moment enough to weigh in on the new skin.”I don’t think I’ll be a big fan of the Omega skin from Tristana only because it brings back wild flashbacks of me getting tilted by Omega Teemo.” He said. “That aside, if I’m unbiased, the Omega skin line is actually pretty cool and well thought out. The covert looking and army sounding voice lines make the Omega skin what it is. If they can do that with Tristana, I might start liking the Omega skin line again and replace bad memories with good ones.”