
New League Of Legends Runes Add A One-Time Zhonya’s And A Mini-Flash

More upcoming League of Legends runes have been revealed that fit into the Inspiration path, runes […]

More upcoming League of Legends runes have been revealed that fit into the Inspiration path, runes that include smaller versions of some of League’s most iconic summoner spells and items.

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True to their claim made last week, these new runes deal won’t be dealing any damage, but they’re still pretty significant options for certain champions. The previous runes that have been revealed, both the minor ones and the Keystone Runes, have mostly been based around dealing damage or continuing a chase, so these two new ones are more about strategic timing and less about blowing enemies up.

The first of these runes is called Perfect Timing, a rune that gives players a brand new item called Stopwatch. Beginning with the item, a Stopwatch is a cheap, one-time Zhonya’s that can be built into Zhonya’s Hourglass or Guardian Angel.

Stopwatch – 600 Gold

  • UNIQUE Active – Stasis: Become invulnerable and untargetable for 2.5 seconds, but be unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (One time use)

After using it, it turns into a Broken Stopwatch that provides no benefits other than being a component to the larger items. You can only buy one Stopwatch per game, and every purchase after that will only grant you a Broken Stopwatch.

The rune that’s connected to this item is Perfect Timing, a rune that gives you a Stopwatch at 6 minutes into the game while also reducing the cooldown of the final items’ effects.

Perfect Timing

  • Start the game with a Commencing Stopwatch that transforms into a Stopwatch after 6 minutes. Reduces the cooldown of Zhonyas Hourglass and Guardian Angel by 15%.

While the new rune and item may seem pretty strong at face value, it’s important to remember that it’s a one-time use and provides no additional stats.

The next rune is an even bigger change than a baby Zhonya’s, a rune that lets you use your Flash even when it’s on cooldown.


  • While Flash is on cooldown it is replaced by Channel-Blink. Channel-Blink: Channel for 2.5 seconds to blink to a new location.
  • Cooldown: 20 seconds. Goes on a 10 second cooldown when you enter champion combat.

As seen in the preview below, the blink still has what looks to be the range of a normal Flash. You can move just a bit while channeling it, but being disabled or letting off of your Flash button will cancel the channel.

The final rune is one that’s been previewed before but now has a few more details:

Store Credit

  • You can enter debt to buy items. The amount you can borrow increases over time. Debt limit: 150 + 5/minute
  • Lending Fee: 50 gold per item

More runes are expected to come soon from the Inspiration path as well as others, and a bigger rune discussion is still planned for September.