Limited Run Games Reveals Xbox Plans

Over the last seven years, Limited Run Games has published a plethora of physical games for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch platforms. Unfortunately, Xbox fans haven't had the same opportunity, but that will be changing later this year. In an announcement on the publisher's official Twitter account, Limited Run Games revealed that its first Xbox game will release this summer. Unfortunately, no details have been revealed for the game, and it's unclear if that's when the pre-order window will begin, or if it's when the game will actually be available. Hopefully more details will be announced in the near future!

The Tweet announcing LRG's plans for Xbox can be found embedded below.

In addition to the announcement, Limited Run Games also asked fans to list games they'd like to see made available on Xbox in a physical format. This prompted a ton of interesting suggestions for the publisher to consider, including Tetris Effect: Connected, Jet Set Radio, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and many more. Clearly, the publisher won't have any difficulty finding games to select from!

For those unfamiliar with Limited Run Games, the publisher offers physical releases for games that have been offered exclusively as digital titles. LRG has also expanded to offer reprints of games for older platforms, including the NES and Game Boy. Games from the publisher are offered during an open pre-order window, and production begins once the window has closed. The company's motto is "physical is forever," as physical games can be enjoyed long after digital storefronts have been closed.

In addition to its standard offerings, Limited Run Games also has a knack for releasing a ton of optional extras; the publisher is currently offering a massive collector's edition for its release of Castlevania Requiem on PS4. It stands to reason that some of the publisher's Xbox games will receive a similar treatment, as well. These collector's editions can be a bit pricey, but some fans will find the offerings are well worth it. For now, Xbox fans will just have to see what the future holds!

Are you a fan of Limited Run Games? Which Xbox games would you liked to see offered physically? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!