
Lords of the Fallen Release Date Rumor Points to This Fall


Lords of the Fallen is an upcoming sequel to 2014’s Lords of the Fallen. Don’t worry, you’re not seeing double. The publishers at CI Games did, in fact, decide to use the sequel as an opportunity to reboot the franchise after it languished in development hell following its 2014 announcement. After all those years, it looks like we might finally know when the reboot is coming, and it might be here a bit sooner than you’d assumed. As with all leaks, you’ll want to take this with a grain of salt, but Lords of the Fallen fans might finally have something tangible to get excited about. 

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The leak comes courtesy of ALumia_Italia on Twitter. They say Lords of the Fallen is coming on October 13, which makes sense when you think back to Epic’s State of Unreal showcase from a month ago. There, developer Hexworks gave fans a look at what’s happening under the hood of its upcoming action RPG, and it was mighty impressive. Obviously, that footage was from an early area and more of a technical showcase than pure gameplay, but it still showed off a game that looked relatively far along in development.

If Lords of the Fallen is as far along as it looked during the Unreal showcase, it’s highly possible that it might be ready for a release date announcement trailer sometime soon. With how many events are coming up to kick off the summer, there are plenty of opportunities for Hexworks and CI Games to get Lords of the Fallen officially on the books for 2023.

Whether you’ve played the original or not, Lords of the Fallen looks to be improving on its predecessor in every way. Not only does it look great, as seen in the State of Unreal, but Hexworks is promising a “vast, interconnected world more than five times larger” than the 2014 original. Bigger isn’t always better, but in this case, it’s backed up by one exciting feature for players who love games like Elden Ring. Lords of the Fallen will have uninterrupted, online multiplayer, which should make it much easier to team up than FromSoftware’s own open-world action RPG.