Marvel Rivals Teases Moon Knight in New Trailer

The game's roster is getting pretty stacked!

The roster for Marvel Rivals is already pretty impressive, and it seems the game will be adding yet another favorite from the Marvel Universe. In a newly released trailer for the game, a quick tease can be seen across a full moon. While it doesn't include an actual glimpse at Moon Knight himself, we do get to see the silhouette of his crescent shaped cape. Hopefully this means a full reveal won't be too far behind, and it will be interesting to learn how developer NetEase plans to integrate him into the roster. 

The trailer featuring Moon Knight can be found below. The character's silhouette can be seen at the 0:47 mark. 

While Moon Knight's big cameo is one big highlight, the trailer's real focus is on Psylocke. The story of Marvel Rivals centers on the Timestream Entanglement, an event that has seen characters from the multiverse pulled together. As a result, the roster features some interesting curveballs in addition to the usual suspects. The version of Psylocke in Marvel Rivals is not Betsy Braddock or Kwannon, but is instead Sai. Sai debuted in the Demon Days: X-Men series, and Marvel Rivals marks her first appearance in media outside the comics. Psylocke is part of the Duelist class in the game, and will be available at launch on December 6th. It's not clear whether Moon Knight will also be available that day, but it seems like a pretty safe bet. 

Given the fact that Marvel Rivals is pulling characters from across the multiverse, we don't know exactly which version of Moon Knight the game will feature. It's probably a safe bet he'll be based on the 616 version, as that's the one that will be most familiar to audiences. However, there's always the possibility it could be the Ultimate version, or even the recent Maximillian Coleridge take. Until we get an announcement, there's just no way to be sure, but it's fun to speculate. Hopefully NetEase won't keep fans waiting too long before giving the character a full reveal! 

Are you planning to check out Marvel Rivals when it releases in December? Is there a character you'd really like to see announced for the game? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp, on Bluesky at @Marcdachamp, or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!