Metal Gear Solid 4 Remaster Teased

A remaster or remake of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots may have just been teased by Konami. The Metal Gear Solid series is one of the most innovative, iconic, and acclaimed franchises in all of gaming, largely thanks to creator Hideo Kojima. However, Hideo Kojima put the series to rest after the fifth mainline game and parted ways with Konami after a falling out. The publisher tried to keep things going with an ill-fated spin-off known as Metal Gear Survive, but after that, the series went off the radar. Of course, despite Kojima being uninvolved, there is still money to made off of this brand. With that said, a remake of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, canonically the first game in the series' timeline, is on the way from a new team.

In addition to that, Konami is re-releasing HD versions of the first three Metal Gear Solid games on PS5 later this fall. Not only will you be able to play the original game in its full glory, ensuring that it is still accessible if the remake isn't your cup of tea, but you can also play the other games leading up to it. However, it seems Konami may have plans to re-release Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots as well, a game only available on PS3. A statement noted that Konami is working to make sure the Metal Gear Solid series available on platforms and posted a picture of the games they're currently bringing to current platforms with a question mark after the first three games. It was also noted that it was "Volume 1", suggesting more games would probably come later.

Given Metal Gear Solid 4 has been super inaccessible for so long, it would be great to see it on PS5 or even on Xbox if that's possible. Only time will tell if it happens, but we seem closer than ever to actually seeing all of the Metal Gear Solid games on one platform.

Do you want to see a remaster of Metal Gear Solid 4? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.