Binding of Isaac Creator Shares Update on Next Game

Mewgenics appears to be on its way to a 2025 release date.

Binding of Isaac developer Edmund McMillen has been working on their next game Mewgenics off-and-on since 2012. The game was originally announced as a Team Meat project during McMillen's time working on Super Meat Boy but was cancelled after several years in development. However, McMillen reacquired the rights to the game and teamed up with Tyler Glaiel to restart development in 2018. During that reboot, Mewgenics was converted to a tactical role-playing roguelite and given a tentative 2025 release date. Recently, McMillen took to Mewgenics' Steam page to give fans a massive update about where development sits and when we should expect to hear more about the release date.

In the new update, McMillen discussed how far along development is on Mewgenics. He noted that they only have 15 enemies and 12 bosses before the monster roster is complete and that all of the cat abilities are already finished. As far as what they still have the most to work on, McMillen said, "The three main things left on our plate are items (roughly 1/4 of the way finished), events (about 1/6 of the way finished), and SFX (I think about 3/4 of the way done, but this one is hard to figure out)."

With all of that in mind, McMillen said that they're currently relatively confident they'll have all of the content finished by New Year's. At that point, McMillen and the team will start to polish Mewgenics to a shine and begin the hype cycle before launch. Of course, development is never easy, so it's possible they could hit a few snags along the way, but it sounds like we'll probably get a release date early next year and Mewgenics will hit that 2025 release window relatively easily.

The new blog post also delves deep into how NPCs will work. McMillen says the system was similar to Animal Crossing at the start of development, but now you'll be giving those NPCs cats to purchase different upgrades. Each NPC has its specific types of cats they want you to sell them, so planning out the types of cats you're creating becomes even more important. It's another way of adding depth to Mewgenics while keeping cats at the center. 

Mewgenics is still on track to launch in 2025, but we don't have a firm release date. The game is currently only scheduled to launch on PC, though more platforms could be added down the line.