Mighty Nein Animated Series, Based on Critical Role, Gets Big Update

Voiceover work for The Mighty Nein series is being recorded now.

The Mighty Nein is getting closer and closer to reality. Yesterday, Amazon Studios revealed that the cast of Critical Role was recording voiceover work for the upcoming Mighty Nein animated series. Announced last year, the Mighty Nein will be an animated re-telling of the second Critical Role campaign and will expand a growing Critical Role animated universe. This marks the first real update about the show since it was announced. No release date or key visuals for the Mighty Nein series have been announced, although the fact that the cast is recording now could mean that a 2025 release is in the works.

While The Legend of Vox Machina is a standard "adventuring" fantasy story, the Mighty Nein features far more political intrigue, as it is set on the continent of Wildemount, which is dominated by two warring nations. Over the course of the campaign, the Mighty Nein (the name of the adventuring group) explores both the Dwendalian Empire and the Krynn Dynasty and eventually discovers the cause of the festering tensions between them. While The Legend of Vox Machina features heroes of the realm, the Mighty Nein features characters who are just as content working behind the scenes to bring about peace.  

Amazon Studios also announced that the third season of The Legend of Vox Machina, an animated re-telling of Critical Role's first campaign, will air on Prime Video starting in early October. While The Legend of Vox Machina and Mighty Nein are set in the same world, there's likely to be very little crossover between the two shows as the two campaigns were largely independent of each other outside of subtle nods. 

The third season of The Legend of Vox Machina will air on Prime Video on October 3rd.