Minecraft Props Spotted Near Live-Action Movie's Set

The Minecraft movie will apparently look a lot like the video game!

We're probably a long while away from seeing official images from the Minecraft live-action movie, but fans seem to have gotten an early first look thanks to photos taken near the set. Twitter user @joshspace2 has shared images of tree props that match the game's distinctive style. If these images are authentic, it does show just how much the movie's style will be replicating that of the video game. Of course, readers are always advised to take this sort of thing with a grain of salt, until we get some kind of confirmation. 

The first of the images can be found in the Tweet embedded below. @joshspace2 has additional images at their Twitter account right here

Bringing Minecraft to the Movies

The Minecraft movie is being filmed in Auckland, New Zealand, and that's presumably where these photos were taken. At this time, very few details about the movie have been released, and we don't have anything in terms of a plot synopsis. In an interview with The Salt Lake Tribune back in January, director Jared Hess talked about the challenge of "trying to adapt something that doesn't have a story." Hess went on to say that "there's got to be a fun, ridiculous movie here. And there is." 

In that same interview, Hess talked about the importance of getting a video game adaptation right, and wanting "to avoid an ugly 'Sonic' situation." These images from the set at least show that there's been an effort to nail the look of the game, and that's a very good sign for fans. 

Minecraft Movie Cast and Release Date

The Minecraft movie is slated to release April 4, 2025. It will star Jason Momoa, Danielle Brooks, Sebastian Eugene Hansen, Emma Myers, Jennifer Coolidge, Kate McKinnon, Jemaine Clementand Jack Black. At this time, little is known about who these actors will be playing, though Black will apparently be taking on the role of Steve, the "main character" of the game. Steve doesn't have anything resembling a backstory, so it's hard to say what role he'll actually have in the Minecraft movie, but the character is the one most closely associated with the franchise. Steve has also gone on to appear in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where he appears alongside some of the most notable video game characters of all-time. 

It's worth noting that Jack Black is a very big fan of video games. The actor appeared as Bowser in The Super Mario Bros. Movie in 2023, he'll be appearing in Borderlands this August as Claptrap, and then Minecraft next year. He's also been outspoken about the games that he enjoys, frequently discussing games like Five Nights at Freddy's and Red Dead Redemption

Are you planning to check out the Minecraft movie? Do you think these images from the set look promising? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!