Mortal Kombat 1 Story Spoilers Are Seemingly Already in the Wild

Mortal Kombat 1 was announced a few months ago and is set to launch on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Switch, and PC on September 19. However, the game has been rumored to be in the works for much longer. Ever since the bombastic ending of Mortal Kombat 11, players have been wondering where developer NetherRealm Studios would next take the franchise. Surprisingly, a recent thread on Reddit showed that two years ago someone predicted much of what's been announced for Mortal Kombat 1's story thus far. That old thread has a few extra story tidbits that have started to trickle out across the internet, meaning anyone who doesn't want those things spoiled should keep a watchful eye for spoilers.

For the sake of anyone reading further, we won't be sharing anything that hasn't already been revealed, but you can check out TheThiny's Twitter if you want to look into them yourself. The new Reddit thread was first spotted by TheGamer, and it's a post from Grandpaseth85 on the Mortal Kombat subreddit. Essentially, they were looking through old posts on the subreddit and noticed one from a user named LK-9T9-UD4_LK-7TR. That two-year-old post has since been deleted, but it predicted several elements of Mortal Kombat 1's story with startling accuracy.


The original thread was a series of images that serve as riddles for users to solve and uncover new details. Later on, LK shared the full details after giving the community some time to guess. While they were ridiculed at the time, they actually got several things correct. The least spoiler-filled thing is that LK alleged that Kameos would be making an appearance, even saying they'd be tag assists and feature several characters from MK history. Anyone who has seen the early trailers for MK1 knows this is confirmed to be in the game.

Outside of the Kameo fighters, LK also alleged a few story details that have since been confirmed by character bios on the official Mortal Kombat 1 site. In both places, you can see that the Mortal Kombat 1 versions of Sub-Zero and Scorpion are brothers and that the Tarkat plague will play at least some role in the story. There are several other things in LK's post that could be further spoilers, but you'll need to seek those out for yourself. Whether you do or not, Mortal Kombat 1 will ship on September 19 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Switch, and PC.