Mortal Kombat 2 Movie Producer Confirms When Filming Will Begin

One of the producers behind the upcoming sequel to 2021's Mortal Kombat movie has now confirmed when the follow-up installment will begin filming. Last summer, New Line Cinema and Warner Bros. Pictures verified that Mortal Kombat 2 was in the works and would once again be helmed by director Simon McQuoid. And while details are still extremely sparse when it comes to the film's launch date, we now at least know how long production should last. 

In a recent statement on social media, producer Todd Garner confirmed a recent report that stated Mortal Kombat 2 would start filming two months from now in June 2023. Filming is said to be lasting until September 2023 and will once again take place in Australia, which is where the previous movie was shot. Outside of these broad bits of information, Garner didn't say anything else about Mortal Kombat 2, which means that fans are still guessing about what the sequel's plot could center around. 

Perhaps the most interesting thing to follow with Mortal Kombat 2 will be the manner in which it is released. As a result of the pandemic back in 2021, Mortal Kombat launched directly onto HBO Max, which led to the film garnering a large number of views out of the gate. This early success for Mortal Kombat seemingly played a big part in what led to Warner Bros. Pictures greenlighting the sequel. In all likelihood, though, Mortal Kombat 2 won't end up releasing in this same manner, which means it will need to perform much better at the box office to ensure that future films in the series continue to come about. 

At the time of this writing, Mortal Kombat 2 still doesn't have a release date of any sort. Given that filming for MK2 will have wrapped up in the early portion of fall, though, it seems like MK2 is on track to hit theaters in the first half of 2024. Whenever Warner Bros. ends up sharing more specifics on the film's launch plans, we'll be sure to let you know here on

What are you hoping to see from Mortal Kombat 2 when it hits the big screen? And when do you anticipate that it will actually release in theaters? Be sure to let me know either down in the comments or reach out to me on Twitter at @MooreMan12