Picking up a Doran’s item to start off the game — maybe grabbing one or two more Doran’s Rings when you recall depending on how the game is going — is a pretty common strategy for players, but defaulting to the same old items can get a bit stale after awhile. Fortunately, as Riot Games looks at the new rune system and what changes they plan on making, they’re also looking at providing some more items for players to start off the match with.
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News of the potential changes comes from a recent Gameplay Thoughts update that was posted to discuss some Patch 7.14 details as well as some PBE discussion, a post that he ended by talking about the possibility of including new starting items in the future.
“Something we’ve been finding as we work on the new runes system is that there are some choices existing runes/masteries offer via stats that are interesting choices but not currently included in the new runes system,” Meddler said in his explanation. “In some cases that means creating new runes that cover those stats, in some other cases though we’ve been looking at a wider range of starting items to cover those needs to.”
He went on to say that they already have an idea or two about what kinds of items they want to put in the game, one of which was a starting item that would grant some bonus attack speed.
“A good example of that which we’re currently testing is a Doran’s Attack Speed item, allowing an AD for AS tradeoff for those that want to go deeper down the AS path,” he said.
Meddler also noted that the gameplay team was open to suggestions about what kinds of items players would like to see added. Some players already sounded off in the comments, suggesting ideas such as items that granted cooldown reduction to start with or “glass cannon” options that provided pure attack damage or ability power without offering additional starting health like the current Doran’s items do. Meddler seemed open to some of the ideas in his replies, but he reminded commenters that suggestions like adding CDR to items would mean they’d have to carefully look at what other stats were included in the items so as not to make certain champs too strong.
The post closed with Meddler saying that they don’t intend to add too many items to avoid cluttering up the shop, but suggestions are still welcome and he said there’s definitely room for more options.