Nintendo of America Enacts Self-Quarantine Policy After Employee Tests Positive for Coronavirus

Nintendo of America has now joined the ranks of other companies that have enacted work-from-home [...]

Nintendo of America has now joined the ranks of other companies that have enacted work-from-home and self-quarantine practices for the foreseeable future after an employee tested positive for the coronavirus. The employee in question works at the Redmond, Washington, offices and tested positive for the virus recently with Washington being one of the states that's seen numerous coronavirus cases during the pandemic. Employees impacted by the positive coronavirus test have now been instructed to self-quarantine themselves, a decision being practices by tons of other companies that have been faced with similar situations as they monitor the spread of the coronavirus.

Sharing a statement on the situation with The Hollywood Reporter, Nintendo confirmed the positive coronavirus case in Washington and said it'd already been in contact with all employees who are being impacted by the self-quarantine decision.

"We have determined that the individual had contact with other employees and we have notified those employees to the situation," Nintendo said. "All impacted employees are now self-quarantining, whether they are experiencing symptoms or not."

This self-quarantine policy follows Nintendo's previous preventative measures when it allowed Nintendo of America employees in California and Washington to work from home if they choose to.

"Nintendo of America has taken the precautionary step to allow NOA employees in the states of California and Washington the opportunity to work from home," Nintendo told Kotaku previously. "The safety and wellbeing of our employees is our top priority. We are continuing to closely monitor COVID-19 developments, and share our concerns and support for those affected by the COVID-19 outbreak."

These decisions follow numerous other instances where the coronavirus has impacted various companies and events within the gaming industry. One of the most significant developments during the spread of the virus has been the cancellation of E3 2020, an event which the Entertainment Software Association hoped would revitalize the annual show with new attractions and the expected gauntlet of announcements.

Other companies have also had to change their plans. Square Enix, a company which has numerous games in the works including the upcoming Marvel's Avengers game, is joining others in exploring other options to present its planned announcements to people. Some other companies have also enacted work-from-home policies as a precaution until it's safe for people to return to work in their offices.