N64 Games May Be Coming to Nintendo Switch Soon

Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite may be getting more Nintendo 64 games soon. This week, [...]

Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite may be getting more Nintendo 64 games soon. This week, Super Mario 64 is coming to the Switch and Switch Lite via Super Mario 3D All-Stars, and it may be followed by more N64 games. The discovery comes way of the latest datamining effort of Super Mario 3D All-Stars, which reveals that not only is the game seemingly running on an N64 emulator, but that there are references to other N64 games within these files.

More specifically, there are references to Kirby 64, Perfect Dark, Pokemon Snap, Mario Tennis, Paper Mario, and the one and only Mario Golf. The possible implication here is that these N64 games are also coming to the Nintendo Switch via emulation, and possibly soon. Whether this would be via standalone releases or via Nintendo Switch Online, who knows. There have been rumors and "leaks" for a while that N64 games are coming to Nintendo Switch Online, but that's all there's been: rumors and inconclusive leaks.

That said, while this a bit of reasonable speculation based on the leak, it's also possible the explanation isn't that exciting. There could be a few explanations for these games being in the files of Super Mario 3D All-Stars, including for the purpose of testing. It's also possible that this is leftover code from presumably the Wii U Virtual Console. This seems unlikely, but not impossible knowing how Nintendo particularly reuses code.

Unfortunately, right now, all Nintendo fans have is speculation. And that's all they are going to get. There's just about zero chance that Nintendo will comment on any of this, as it has a pretty rigid policy of not commenting on leaks, rumors, reports, or anything of the speculative and unofficial variety. However, it does provide a comment or statement, we will be sure to update this post.

In the meanwhile, for more coverage on all things Nintendo Switch -- including the most recent news, rumors, updates, and leaks -- click here or check out the relevant links below: