New PS5 Controller Teased in Leak

A new PlayStation 5 controller from Sony may have just been teased in a recent leak. Since the launch of the PS5 back at the end of 2020, Sony has slowly been releasing new models of its DualSense controller that goes with the console. However, these new models have only been color variants that have come in red, black, blue, and other shades. Now, thanks to this leak in question, it looks like Sony could be preparing to release a new PS5 DualSense controller that has even more features than the current version. 

Spotted by Metro, Sony recently filed a new patent for a PS5 controller that suggests major upgrades could be coming. This patent specifically mentions the addition of haptic feedback to the thumbsticks of the controller. Currently, the DualSense itself features haptic feedback, but not with the thumbsticks in particular. As with any patent, there's no guarantee that Sony will make this a reality in the future, but it's clearly toying around with ideas for new PS5 controllers. 

It's worth noting that this isn't the first time that we've heard about a new controller for the PS5. In fact, just a few months back, a notable report emerged stating that Sony was working on a new "Pro" version of the DualSense. Although details were sparse, this controller was expected to be more of Sony's response to the high-quality Xbox Elite Controller that Microsoft has. 

For now, it's still unknown if or when Sony might opt to formally announce a new PS5 controller. Given that patents are starting to be filed by the company, though, it stands to reason that we could learn something new in the coming weeks or months. If such a reveal does end up officially taking place, we'll be sure to let you know. 

How do you feel about the idea of Sony releasing a new iteration of the PS5 DualSense controller in the future? Would you look to buy this for yourself? Let me know either down in the comments or hit me up on Twitter at @MooreMan12.