Pokemon GO‘s new big Global event, Wild Area, is officially here, bringing with it opportunities to catch rare and exciting Pokemon. The leading fan favorite among them is the brand new costumed Snorlax, who wears a studded leather jacket.
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This costume Snorlax made its debut at the in-person event but is only just becoming available worldwide for the GO Wild Area event on November 23 and 24. That means trainers have a limited window to catch one, and for many, this stylish Snorlax is the must-have Pokemon of the event. Step aside, Dynamax Toxtricity and costumed Pikachu pair.
Snorlax in a studded jacket is one of three rockstar-themed costumed Pokemon available during the event. Pop Star and Rock Star Pikachu will also be available, though these are returning favorites that previously debuted in 2021’s Pokemon GO Fest Global event. That means that the brand-new Snorlax is truly the star of this show.

So, how can trainers get their very own Studded Jacket Snorlax during the event? It all comes down to Raids. The costumed Snorlax will appear in 3-Star Raids, so look out for those yellow Raid eggs at your local gyms.
Thanks to the new (and temporary) ability to remotely join Raids right from the friend list, trainers can also keep an eye on what their friends are up to during Wild Area weekend. If a friend is engaged in a Costume Snorlax Raid, players will be able to use a Remote Raid Pass to join in without even leaving their homes. Good news if the weather for the big weekend isn’t looking so hot in your area.
Good news for trainers who don’t plan to opt in for the paid event ticket – Snorlax Raids are available for all trainers during both Saturday and Sunday for GO Wild Area Global. And Shiny Hunters, get your battle teams ready because Studded Jacket Snorlax can indeed be Shiny in Pokemon GO. It’s likely the Shiny variant will be fairly rare, so trainers will likely need to win quite a few Raids to snag one.
Best Counters for Studded Jacket Snorlax Raids
As a 3-Star Raid, Snorlax will be somewhat challenging, but not nearly as difficult as those Toxtricity Dynamax Battles at local Power Spots. Going against Snorlax solo may prove a bit tricky, but it can be done with the right counters. As a Normal-type Pokemon, Studded Jacket Snorlax is weak against Fighting-type moves. That said, its moveset can include Psychic-type attacks like Zen Headbutt, which may pose a problem for Fighting types.

RELATED: Pokemon Go Wild Area Event: What Are Mighty Pokemon?
Some strong contenders to help players ensure a win against Snorlax in Raids are:
- Mega Lucario
- Terrakion
- Mega Blaziken
- Hariyama
- Mega Alakazam
Keep in mind that while Mega Evolutions and Shadow Pokemon tend to be stronger in battle, the standard versions of these Fighting-type Pokemon should be more than sufficient to take on a 3-Star Raid like Studded Jacket Snorlax.
As a final strategy to gain an edge in battle, trainers should also watch for Cloudy weather, which boosts Fighting-type moves. Studded Jacket Snorlax encountered under these conditions will also have a slightly boosted CP, which may make the battle more tricky but boosts the odds of catching a good one after victory.
Like the two costumed Pikachu in this event, Studded Leather Jacket Snorlax will likely return at some point, but it may not be for several years. For those determined to add this Pokemon to their collection, Raiding will be an essential part of the Pokemon GO Wild Area event.