Pokemon Legends: Arceus surprised me with its divergence from the mainline series’ gameplay, incorporating almost a darker survival feel. With Pokemon Legends: Z-A on the horizon, fans are eager to see what the sequel to this spin-off will be. While not much is known, fans know the game is set to take place largely in Lumiose City with players shaping the city into what it becomes in the future. Mega Evolutions are set to return as well, but one feature fans expect is more regional forms. In that regard, I’ve compiled a list of some of the Pokemon we’d love to see get a new regional variants in Pokemon Legends: Z-A.
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My list pulls from Pokemon featured in Pokemon X and Pokemon Y, and, with a focus on Lumiose City, metropolitan Pokemon have also been selected. Lumiose City is based on Paris, which is full of ghost stories and other legends, so this has influenced my choices. With Pokemon Legends: Arceus’s darker lore, it also makes sense to me. The official starters for Pokemon Legends: Z-A is unknown, so any starter Pokemon has been left off my list.
Drowzee & Hypno

Hailing from Kanto, Drowzee and Hypno always felt second string when compared to the Alakazam line. These Psychic-type Pokemon are slower and bulkier than the Alakazam line, but I’ve always preferred them since I was a kid. Maybe it was due to their creepy nature and Pokedex entries. Getting a regional variant would be the perfect way to bring Drowzee and Hypno into the spotlight and give these Pokemon a greater focus.
A change to a Dark type would make the most sense, and in keeping with Parisian legends, I think a Phantom of the Opera theme would work well. Instead of hypnotizing its victims, Hypno could perform instead, lulling his victims into a false sense of security and absorbing their essence. Alternatively, many fan-made mockups feature Hypno as a clown and give it the Fairy and Psychic typing, which would also be fitting for a regional variant in Pokemon Legends: Z-A.
Psyduck & Golduck

I can’t be the only one who feels Psyduck and Golduck were cheated of a Water and Psychic type combination. Giving them a regional variant in Pokemon Legends: Z-A would be an easy fix for this oversight, and give the already popular Pokemon even more appeal. It is bizarre how these Pokemon weren’t already given this type of combination before.
Obviously, adding Psychic type to Psyduck and Golduck makes sense, but it would if they dropped the Water type and became Pure psychic as well. Utilizing their Psychic power and giving the pair the Water Bubble ability would be an interesting interpretation, and remove additional weakness while allowing Golduck to hit hard with Water moves.
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Smoochum & Jynx

Let’s be honest, most people have written off Smoochum and Jynx, and probably for good reason considering the pairs’ poor stats and “interesting” design. Jynx has had its controversy over the years, but I think it’s time for Jynx to get another chance. Mr. Mime received a regional variant and new evolution, so it is only fitting Mr. Mime’s counterpart at least gets a new regional variant.
I’d like to see a variant of Smoochum & Jynx that plays off the legend of Countess Demidoff, a wealthy woman who bequeathed in her will her entire fortune to anyone who would stay beside her tomb and keep a vigil for an entire year. Many tried, but most went mad and no one lasted beyond three weeks. Keeping in this legend, I think a Psychic/Ghost would fit Smoochum & Jynx, perhaps trading its Gyaru outfit for a more Parisian look. Both would support Jynx’s bold looks and the strange attraction people feel when near it.
Flabebe, Floette, & Florges

While the Flabebe line is an iconic Fairy type Pokemon, a regional variant seems obvious and super easy to make. Lumiose City is one of beauty, and what better way to show that than with flowers? In addition to regional variants, The Pokemon Company could introduce new colors and patterns for the different flower forms.
The obvious answer would be to make the Fairy Pokemon a pure Grass type Pokemon. Much of its move pool would fit a Grass Pokemon, and give it stab options. The Pokemon Company could make it Grass and Fairy to keep its classic type, but the 4x poison weakness could hurt it. But it would make it a powerhouse Pokemon with high Special Defense and Special Attack and plenty of stab options.
Glameow & Purugly

Glameow and Purugly are some of the most forgettable feline Pokemon in the series. With lackluster stats, poor abilities, and an ugly final form, Purugly is only really memorable from Team Galactic using it in Sinnoh. A regional variant would change at least some of these negatives, and perhaps give players more inclination to try it.
An Electric regional variant of Purugly would be an interesting look. Its whiskers and fur could easily give the idea of conducting electricity and it surprisingly already learns a fair bit of electric moves. Or, Purugly could really shape up and go for a Fighting type variant, losing some weight and bulking up. Going one of these two routes would go a long way toward making Purugly a bit more appealing.
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Vanillite, Vanillish, & Vanilluxe

The ice cream Pokemon has been the laughingstock of Pokemon since Pokemon Black & Pokemon White dropped, and I get it. They’re ice cream, but Vanilluxe has fantastic stats and Snow Warning is a great ability for Ice teams. It’s high time Vanilluxe gets some respect because people love ice cream, so it’s unfair these Pokemon get the treatment they deserve. Plus, there are so many types and flavors of ice cream, the possibilities are endless.
My two hopes for a regional variant of Vanillite, Vanillish, & Vanilluxe are either a hot fudge or sprinkles variant. Adding hot fudge to Vanilluxe would make it an Ice and Fire Pokemon and give it a unique typing only seen in Zen Mode Galarian Darmanitan. Likewise, a Vanilluxe with colorful sprinkles could be an Ice and Fairy Pokemon, another unique typing only seen in one other Pokemon, Alolan Ninetails.
Trubbish & Garbodor

Trubbish and Garbodor often get a bad rep for being trash, and compared to Grimer and Muk, they do feel lackluster. With worse stats and moves, Garbodor just can’t compete against Muk, who has received a regional variant in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon. Getting a new form would help the pure Poison Pokemon stand out, and get more usage.
I’d like to see a more nature-based version of Trubbish and Garbodor, taking the Rock and Grass types. I imagine a collection of moss, rocks, twigs, and other natural objects gathered into Trubbish and Garbodor’s form. Not only would it give the Pokemon a new type combination that is more unique than Poison, but it would also give the pair access to new moves and more potential.
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Litwick, Lampent, & Chandelure

I’ve always loved Chandelure, especially with its inclusion in Pokken Tournament DX, and I never felt the odd little Pokemon got the love it deserved. Fire and Ghost is great, only sharing it with Alolan Marowak and Skeledirge, but I already see an easy swap for a regional variant.
Turning Litwick, Lampent, and Chandelure into a Ghost and Electric Pokemon makes sense, and allows for another unique typing. Making the candle Litwick into an electric candle or handheld lamp would be an easy change, which would in turn make Lampent and Chandelure use electricity instead of fire for their light.
Timburr, Gurdurr, & Conkeldurr

With Pokemon Legends: Z-A’s focus on an urban development plan, it absolutely makes sense to include Timburr, Gurdurr, and Conkeldurr considering they are carrying construction supplies. If the theme of the game is building and expanding Lumiose City, these guys will come in handy for sure.
That said, I’d like to see their theme taken even further. Keeping their Fighting type and pairing it with Rock type would show their expertise in construction while honoring the Pokedex entries. Conkeldurr is known for showing humans how to make concrete, so I’d love to see a design where instead of just holding concrete pillars, more of the substance is located on Conkeldurr’s body. Sacrificing speed for more bulk would make this regional Conkeldurr a terror in Trick Room.
Shuppet & Banette

Shuppet and Banette not only fit in well with urban areas, but they have fantastic lore and design. Including a regional variant in Pokemon Legends: Z-A just makes sense, and The Pokemon Company has an easy way to do it. Plus, the pair always felt shafted being introduced in a generation with Duskull, one of the best Trick Room Pokemon. It’s time for Shuppet and Banette to step out of this other Ghost Pokemon’s shadow and make a name for themselves.
Shuppet and Banette are based on puppets and marionettes, two things well-known in Paris. I mean, marionette is a French word. A Grass and Fairy type would be an excellent choice for a Shuppet and Banette variant if they were carved out of wood. The pair could drop the Grass typing and go pure Fairy, but making them Grass would allow The Pokemon Company to play off Pinocchio. I know Pinocchio is Italian, not French, but the point still stands and it would be a great look for Banette.
It’s entirely possible that Pokemon Legends: Z-A foregoes adding many or any regional forms since it is bringing back Mega Evolutions. I hope we get a hefty dose of regional variants, as these are some of my favorite additions. Regional variants give old Pokemon new life and attention through a new form.