
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Reveals New Tera Raid Event


A new Tera Raid event has been announced for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The event will begin on January 6th, running through January 8th. During the event, Pokemon Scarlet players will be able to find Hydreigon in four and five-star raids, while Pokemon Violet players will be able to find Dragapult. Unlike the Charizard and Cinderace events, players will have a chance to find these two Dragon-type Pokemon in all variety of Tera types. That should offer a strong incentive for players to check it out, while also seeking out the specific Tera type that best meets their needs!

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Tera types are a new addition to the Pokemon franchise. When a player’s Tera Orb is charged, they can Terastallize their Pokemon in battle. By default, most Pokemon have a Tera type that corresponds to their main type, which means a Fire and Flying-type Pokemon like Charizard exclusively becomes a Fire-type, shedding any strengths and weaknesses associated with Flying-types. However, sometimes players will get lucky and find a Terastallized Pokemon in the wild that happens to have a unique Tera typing. Finding the best Tera combinations is going to be a big part of the game’s competitive scene, adding a new wrinkle to player strategies.

Players can change a Pokemon’s Tera type in the game, but finding the 50 Shards required can be a time-consuming process! As such, opportunities to catch Pokemon with unique Tera types are quite welcome. In addition to this new Tera Raid event, The Pokemon Company offered a holiday giveaway last month, which allowed players to get 50 Ice Tera Shards through the Mystery Gift function. It remains to be seen whether we’ll see additional giveaways like that, but it seems like a safe bet.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is available now, exclusively on Nintendo Switch. Readers can check out all of our previous coverage of the gameright here.

What do you think of this new Tera Raid event in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? Which Tera typing are you hoping to find for Hydreigon and Dragapult?Letusknowin thecomments or share yourthoughts directlyonTwitter and onHive atย @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!

[H/T: Serebii]