
Alleged ‘Pokemon Sword & Shield’ Leaks Detail New Pokemon, More New Game Mechanics

An alleged Pokemon Sword & Shield leak has gained some validity due to it correctly naming the […]

An alleged Pokemon Sword & Shield leak has gained some validity due to it correctly naming the Dynamax mechanic and several other key details from this week’s Pokemon Direct. During the build-up to this week’s Pokemon Direct, the Internet was rife with supposed “leaks” about Pokemon Sword & Shield, its new Pokemon, and what mechanics the new game would contain. Most of those leaks were disproven when the Pokemon Company revealed its first real look at the new games on Wednesday, but one leak posted to 4Chan correctly named several Pokemon seen in the trailer, plus the names of several key characters seen in the trailer, and the new mechanic. In addition to getting a lot of information correct, the leak also detailed some new information about the games that wasn’t revealed in the Pokemon Direct.

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The post was made on 4chan in May and correctly named Hop (your rival in the game), Dynamaxing, descriptions of Zacian and Zamazenta, Leon (the champion of the Galar Region), Sonia (the granddaughter of Professor Magnolia and her current assistant), Milo (the Grass-type Gym Leader), the sheep Pokemon Wooloo, the Wild Area, and the new Max Raid mechanic. In addition to naming all of these plot details and Pokemon, it also mentioned several more new Pokemon and mentioned the gave away several details, including the name of the Galar region’s villainous team, and the names of several new Pokemon.

Here’s a breakdown of the new information from the leak:

  • The Galar region’s villainous team is named Team Yell, but they seem to be “well-meaning fans” of a person named Marnie.
  • There’s an “evil” Legendary Pokemon called Eternatus.
  • In addition to Dynamaxing, there’s another mechanic called Gigantamaxing. Gigantamaxing changes what the Pokemon looks like. Examples given include Gigantamax Pikachu looking like his original “chubby” version seen in Pokemon Red & Blue, Meowth becoming a long bodied cat, and Lapras having musical notes and bars on its shell.
  • Several Pokemon will get Galar-specific evolutions. Farfetch’d will evolve into Sirfetch’d, and Meowth will gain an alternate evolution.
  • Skwovet and Greedunt are “chipmunk” Pokemon that hide in trees and attack when players shake trees for berries.
  • There’s an Electric-type Pokemon called Pamper that resembles a Corgi.
  • Players can interact with Pokemon when they camp by playing with them and making them curry.
  • Scorbunny’s evolution is called Raboot. It learns Fighting-type moves.
  • Sobble’s evolutions are Sizzile and Intelleon, with its evolution having a “spy theme” likely inspired by James Bond.
  • Grookey evolves into a giant gorilla with a wood drum.
  • There’s a new Pokemon that looks like a blue seagull and attacks by throwing either a barracuda or a Pikachu that it gets by diving into nearby water.

As with all rumors, this one should be taken with a grain of salt. However, the fact that it got so much about the Pokemon Direct correct means that it should be taken more seriously than other rumors.

Pokemon Sword & Shield comes out on November 15th.

(h/t PokeJungle)