Returnal Studio Hints That It's Already Looking to Implement New Save Feature

Returnal is the latest PlayStation 5 exclusive to finally release on the next-gen console today, [...]

Returnal is the latest PlayStation 5 exclusive to finally release on the next-gen console today, and for the most part, the game has been incredibly well-received by critics out of the gate. That being said, one lingering qualm that many have already brought up comes with how the game uses saves. Since Returnal is a roguelike, players are forced to restart from the beginning of the game every time they die. Due to how Returnal is structured, some of these runs can end up lasting for quite some time, meaning that it's hard to ever find a good spot to stop since saves aren't allowed in the middle of any playthrough. Luckily, this is something that Housemarque sounds like it might already be looking to fix.

In a recent tweet from the studio's official Twitter account today, Houseamarque indicated that it has already heard loudly about the complaints that some fans have about the lack of being able to save in the middle of a run in Returnal. "We hear the community and we love you all. Nothing to announce now, but keep playing and enjoying the challenge as you can!" Housemarque said in its message. The studio also shared a Reddit post in question that talked about the problems in relation to saving.

As Housemarque specifically notes, it has nothing to say about a new save feature in Returnal at this point in time, but it very much sounds like the developer is looking into adding some sort of functionality in the future to make runs a bit more forgiving. Even though roguelikes in nature should be a bit difficult--Housemarque even warns players when first booting up Returnal that the game is meant to be hard--it also makes quite a bit of sense to add some sort of save feature for those who might be forced to quit in the middle of a run.

If Housemarque announces anything about a new Returnal update in the future, we'll be sure to keep you posted. Until then, you can currently look to pick up the game right now on PS5 or also check out our review right here.

Are you planning to pick up Returnal for yourself any time soon? Share your thoughts with me either down in the comments or over on Twitter at @MooreMan12.