The world of Root is expanding with a new tabletop roleplaying game. Magpie Games announced that it will adapt the popular board game Root into an RPG that uses the “Powered by the Apocalypse” game system. The core game will contain three factions and six type of Vagabonds, which will allow players to create characters from the world of the popular board game published by Leder Games. Magpie has also announced plans to release a second book, Root: Travelers & Outsiders, which will contain addition Vagabond classes and rules for the factions found in the various Root expansions. The RPG will also incorporate the actual Root board game, and will give players the ability to create their own Woodland maps.
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Last year, Leder Games released Root, a unique board game in which various woodland factions competed for territory and power. The game earned acclaim for asymmetric gameplay, in which each faction had its own objectives and abilities, and for its unique art style that invoked memories of Redwall or Watership Down while giving the game a recognizable aesthetic. To date, Leder Games has raised funds for three expansions, and Root remains a top-rated game on Board Game Geek. Since its release last year, Root has also won multiple board game awards.
In addition to the new RPG system, plans are also underway to adapt Root into a digital game, with Dire Wolf Digital releasing an early trailer for the game earlier this year. Root is one of the biggest new board games in the industry, and it looks like the world will continue to grow and grow.
You can check out Magpie Games’ Kickstarter for Root: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game, which has already raised nearly $300,000 in less than a week. The Kickstarter will remain open until October 20, with fulfillment planned for early 2020.