Rumor: 'Resident Evil 8' Is Being Developed For Next-Gen Consoles

Capcom has been having quite the time over these last few years. In addition to Devil May Cry 5 [...]

Capcom has been having quite the time over these last few years. In addition to Devil May Cry 5 coming out of the gate swinging, the Resident Evil franchise has seen two stellar releases in the seventh main entry as well as the remake of Resident Evil 2. That said, while many gamers are looking forward to an unannounced Resident Evil 3 remake, others are patiently awaiting the next installment in the series. Of course, only rumors have been swirling around the two games, the latest of which points to Resident Evil 8 being developed for next-gen consoles, with the release date being placed around January 2021.

The latest rumor to arrive comes from AestheticGamer, a well-known leaker of the Resident Evil franchise. Many of you may remember when they accurately leaked a few Resident Evil 7 details before the game was officially revealed, which makes this a bit more believable.

According to AestheticGamer, the upcoming installment has been delayed. Since we don't know much about the development of Resident Evil 8, it's difficult to tell exactly where that places it. However, they then suggested that we should not expect to see the title "until next-gen is on the table."

As always, this is a rumor, so there should be at least a grain or two of salt kept on standby. However, with AestheticGamer's previous leaks being confirmed, this just might be factual. Then again, we'll just have to wait until anything official is unveiled by Capcom. As for when it will arrive, the leaker also stated that the devs aim to make Resident Evil an annual franchise over the next few years, with the Resident Evil 3 remake dropping in January of next year and Resident Evil 8 coming in January 2021. Again, keep the salt handy.

Nothing is official as of now, but Resident Evil 8 just might be in development for the next generation of consoles. Only time will tell if any of this is true, but we can only hope more Resident Evil is planned for the near future.

What do you think about all of this? Is Resident Evil 8 actually being developed for PlayStation 5 and the next Xbox? Sound off in the comment section below, or feel free to hit me up over on Twitter @anarkE7!

Thanks, Game Rant!


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