Sea of Thieves Developer Wants Your Feedback to Improve the Game

Have some advice, feedback, or choice words for Sea of Thieves developer Rare? Well, the [...]

Have some advice, feedback, or choice words for Sea of Thieves developer Rare? Well, the England-based developer wants to hear all of it, and then some.

As a result, it has announced that it has opened a new section on its forums dedicated to game feedback and suggestions.

While player feedback is something all developers look for pre and post-launch in order to improve their game with its community in mind, not all developers go above and beyond to make it as easy to provide suggestions or critique, so this is nice implementation to see.

The bigger picture here is Rare seems to be aware that Sea of Thieves has a fair share of issues, including a content problem. Further, not only is it listening to feedback, but it wants a way to easily hear it. All of this hopefully indicates that Rare will be able to correct course of the ship, and iron out and fix some of the shortcomings of the game. At the very least, this shows it will try, which is more than you can say about some developers.

Interestingly, but perhaps unsurprisingly, one of the top suggestions right now is adding a battle-royale mode. Because, of course it is. Other popular suggestions and feedback include character reset, adding statistics to cosmetics, mermaids only visible for intended crew, NPC ships, fixing draw distance, and more.

Sea of Thieves -- which was notably published as a first-party exclusive by Microsoft -- is available on PC and Xbox One. Having launched last month, the game quickly passed 2 million players, becoming the fastest-selling first-party IP for Microsoft this generation. However, since its fast start, buzz around the game seems to have plateaud, if not declined. Thus, it would be interesting to know what the player count is now, a few weeks out of release.
