Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's Wendy's Stage Goes Viral

A Wendy's stage in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has gone viral, partially thanks to the official [...]

A Wendy's stage in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has gone viral, partially thanks to the official Twitter account of the fast-food chain recognizing and spotlighting the stage. Unfortunately, when Nintendo released Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on Nintendo Switch last December, it didn't add a Wendy's stage for whatever reason. And I guess that's to be expected, after all, Nintendo can't even be bothered to add Waluigi to the game. That said, Nintendo did add a stage creator after the game released, and so, naturally, one fan has used this as opportunity to add a Wendy's stage to the game, which appropriately went viral.

The stage isn't that good, but considering the toolset, it's impressive. Rather I should say it's much, much better than anything I could ever create. And, as you'd expect, the stage gained some traction, and then quickly went viral once Wendy's decided to tweet about it.

At the moment of publishing, there's been no official or unofficial word of Wendy being added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but the conspiracy theorist in me wants to believe that Wendy is the next DLC character, even if she doesn't fit the game's criteria. You think I'm kidding, but I'm not.

Anyway, if you want to play the now famous stage all you have to do is enter its Stage ID code into the Shared Content tab of the game. In this case, the code is GB799VXJ. That's all it takes. Now, excuse me while I go create a KFC stage so I can go viral. Look for me on the KFC Twitter account.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available on the Nintendo Switch. For more news, media, and information on the best-selling and critically-acclaimed platform fighter, be sure to peep all of our previous and extensive coverage of the game by clicking right here. In the most recent and related news, the director of the series recently explained why Goku and Iron Man will never be in a Smash game and also revealed some very disappointing news about the series' future.