Texas Chain Saw Massacre Update Fixes Some Skill Tree Issues, Patch Notes Released

Changes have been made to Hands, Maria, Cook, and more.

A new update is currently rolling out on all platforms for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. For the most part, today's update focuses on issues related to the skill trees for various characters, including Cook, Julie, and Hands, the game's most recent Killer. This month's other newcomer, Maria Flores, has also seen some adjustments as a result of today's patch; players can expect to see some changes to her character model. Following news of today's update, a number of players have chimed in about changes they're hoping to see, and publisher Gun Media has addressed a few things currently in the works. 

Since Hands made his debut in the game two weeks ago, some have felt that the character is in need of a nerf. The game's official X/Twitter account notes that potential changes to the character are being considered, though the developers "are still letting players get accustomed to both playing as and against Hands" before rushing to make any decisions. The team has also confirmed that work is still ongoing to make Slippery equippable for Sissy, but "the work is ongoing," so there's nothing new to report just yet. Full patch notes for today's update can be found below: 


Tuned: Lobby Cooldown 

  • We have made some improvements to the effectiveness of the lobby cooldown penalty 

Fixed: Hands Stamina Exploit 

  • We fixed an issue where Hands' middle path on his Ability Tree (Reduce Defensive Barge Stamina) was impacting his overall stamina for attacks instead of just his barge, allowing him to swing 50+ times when he shouldn't

  • Now, Hands' stamina will function properly with his middle path Ability Tree upgrades 

Fixed: Hands Ability Tree 

  • We fixed an issue where Hands' ability upgrades for 'Reduce Defensive Barge Stamina Cost' were not functioning properly

  • Ability upgrade functionality is now fully reflected on any Tier level of Hands' Ability Tree

Fixed: 'Rip Stalled' Perk 

  • Hands perk 'Rip Stalled' was not functioning as described, "After using the Ripstall ability on an object, the object cannot be interacted with again by anyone for 10/20/30 seconds" on the generator and car battery 

  • Now, when Hands Ripstalls a generator or car battery, the perk (if equipped) will apply the correct cooldown duration 

Fixed: Removed Perk UI Bug

  • We have fixed a UI bug that incorrectly showed perks that were removed from characters in their customization loadout pages 

  • Now, a character's customization loadout page will show the proper perks 

Fixed: Cook Level 10 

  • We fixed Cook's middle path in his Skill Tree that would not allow him to reach level 10 

  • We have added additional Attribute Point nodes so the middle path of his Skill Tree will reach the 50/50 threshold for level 10 

Fixed: Julie Level 10 

  • We fixed Julie's left path in her Skill Tree that did not allow her to reach level 10 

  • We have added additional Attribute Point nodes within that path to allow Julie to reach the 50/50 threshold for level 10 

Fixed: Cook's Skill Tree Nodes

  • We have fixed an issue where players couldn't purchase nodes in Cook's Skill Tree

  • All nodes in Cook's Skill Tree can now be unlocked by players

Fixed: Disconnecting Skill Tree Nodes

  • We fixed an issue where some attribute nodes were showing connection lines leading to other nodes but did not connect to them properly

  • Nodes leading to each other are now fully connected in all Skill Trees

Fixed: Maria's Hair Textures

  • We have fixed an issue where Maria's hair appeared too dark from certain angles

Fixed: Maria's Model

  • We have fixed an issue where parts of Maria's model would appear invisible while standing and when in idle animations

Last but not least, a new cosmetic was added to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre today. Hitchhiker has been given a new Claymore Outfit, which can be purchased for $2.99. 

How do you feel about today's update? Do you think Hands is in need of a nerf? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp, on Bluesky at @Marcdachamp, or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!