Uncharted Movie: Tom Holland Has Read the Latest Script and Loves It

The Uncharted movie that has been in development for what feels like forever now will begin [...]

The Uncharted movie that has been in development for what feels like forever now will begin filming in a few weeks, and Tom Holland has already read the script for the film. Holland plays the lead role of Nathan Drake in the Uncharted movie and revealed in a recent interview that he'd read the script in full while also sharing his opinions on it. He described it as "really, really good" among other praises and touted the relationship between Nathan Drake and the character's mentor, Sully, who will be seen playing Mark Wahlberg when the film releases in theaters next year.

Holland spoke to BBC Radio 1 about the adaptation of the video game series and offered some fresh information on the script. After speaking about Onward and other topics, he was eventually asked when we're going to finally see something about Uncharted, the movie that's been pushed back more than once and has had numerous directors. Holland revealed around eight minutes and 30 seconds into the interview that he'd seen the script and that people are apparently going to love it once it's put into action.

"We start shooting in four weeks in Berlin," Holland said. "I read the new draft last night … Or this morning, I read the draft this morning, at 2 'o clock in the morning."

"The script's really good, man," he continued. "The script is really, really good. It's really strong. It's really, really funny. The dynamic between Sully and Drake is amazing, and Mark Wahlberg is going to crush it as Sully. And it's a really, really fun film."

The pair then joked that they weren't sure if we'd end up seeing Wahlberg sporting a mustache for the film as Sully did, though we probably won't have an answer to that until the first few official images and trailers start dropping.

Holland's comments about Wahlberg echoed previous comments he's said about the actor and his upcoming performance as Sully. He said in the past that he's "going to be amazing as Sully."

As for Holland's character, the actor has previously given insights into what kind of Nathan Drake we'll see in the movie. Uncharted players will be used to playing an older version of the character, but Holland has said the movie will show a "very young, fresh" portrayal of the protagonist.

The Uncharted movie is scheduled to be released in theaters on March 5, 2021.