
New Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Update Celebrates 7th Anniversary

Get ready to have another quiet drink.

Developer Fatshark released its cooperative first-person action game Warhammer: Vermintide 2 on March 8th, 2018. That is a whopping seven years of players fighting the devastating Chaos army and Skaven horde. A new update is live to celebrate the milestone giving players plenty of new content to sink their teeth into. A plethora of fixes are also implemented in the game, giving its community a more stable experience. To gamers who have yet to check out Warhammer: Vermintide 2, the anniversary event held from today until March 16th might be a great time to finally check it out.

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As with all Warhammer: Vermintide 2 anniversary events, the event mission A Quiet Drink is currently available in the Weekly Event game mode in the Adventure mission selection menu. Players who complete the mission on any difficulty receive a brand-new anniversary portrait frame. Additionally, for the event’s duration, players will receive double XP. So, the next 10 days may be a great time to grind out any levels or ranks. There is also a new Versus map called “A Grudge Served Cold,” which brings players to the snowy Dwarfen environment.

During the launch of Versus, many players experienced a loss of data and progression which the developer now claims most of the issues have now been resolved. As an apology, players who suffered from this issue will receive the Abasement portrait frame. The free frame should arrive on Monday.

Beyond the new content, new tweaks and fixes were brought to the game. Here are the full Warhammer: Vermintide 2 update 6.4.0 patch notes:

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Update 6.4.0 Patch Notes

Features & Tweaks

  • Fixed and re-enabled Sanctioned Mods & Versus Quickplay Dedicated Servers.
  • Enabled the Anniversary Event,ย including the ‘A Quiet Drink’ map, double XP, Lohner’s time-limited event shop and new Event challenges at Okri’s.
  • Added a new map to Versus: ‘A Grudge Served Cold’
  • Weekly Event & Weekly Expedition changes:ย We’ve made adjustments to the various modifiers used in rotation in the Weekly Event and Weekly Expeditions.
    • Unstable Breed:
      • Bomb Carriers now explode a moment after being staggered or pushed. This should allow for a much better counter against them in melee.
      • Delay between Bomb Carriers waves has been doubled (for Twitch Mode, the delay is unchanged).
    • Ranald’s Sparking Gift:
      • A player’s own explosion now always sends them flying backwards, to alleviate a bit of the randomness.
      • Delay between Gifts has been doubled (for Twitch Mode, the delay is unchanged).
      • Ranaldโ€™s Sparking Gift no longer affects bots. They never acquire the affliction or take damage from it, but can be catapulted.
      • As only players can be targeted by the affliction now, the delay between Gifts extends by 5 seconds for every bot on the team.
    • Curse of Comradeship:
      • Curse of Comradeship damage intervals (the time between damage instances) now scale depending on distance:
        • Minimum distance: 4m, with a damage interval of 1s.
        • Maximum distance: 12m, with a damage interval of 0.15s.
      • Knocked down players are no longer affected and no longer affect other players.
      • Curse of Comradeship will no longer appear in Chaos Wastes Weekly Expeditions.
  • Horn of Magnus – Removed the chance for Beastmen to spawn in.
  • Versus: Rat Ogre leap charge can no longer be interrupted by Necromancer skeleton attacks.


  • A Quiet Drink – Fixed a spot players could get stuck on in the tavern.
  • A Grudge Served Cold – Fixed a respawn point that caused rescued players to fall through the ground.
  • A Grudge Served Cold – Added a killzone at the bottom of a pit. Which is another way to prevent players from getting stuck when going where they shouldn’t, SIENNA.
  • A Grudge Served Cold – Fixed a wall that enemies could walk through.
  • Into the Nest – Fixeda rare bug where non-Skaven enemies could spawn in the level.
  • Fixed the navigation buttons not showing up the movement tutorials of the Handbook.
  • Fixed a crash due to wrong resources being loaded when joining a lobby that just started transitioning from one level to another.
  • Fixed bug where Kruber would respond with a Sienna voice line when Sienna steps in gas.
  • Fixed the Okri’s challenges “Wuthering Heights”, “Tech, No Mage” and “Fundamental force”. They are now functional again.
  • Versus: Fixed a bug where players sometimes fall through the ground when rescued from being hoisted by a Packmaster.
  • Fixed an error where difficulty selection for Veteran shows that 300 is the highest obtainable power level instead of 200.
  • Versus: Fixed a crash if a Packmaster leaves while the round is ending and they have an enemy who is hoisted by them.
  • Weaves: Fixed the Chaos Warrior with Shield not triggering Chamon’s Aurification.
  • Khazukan Kazakit-Ha! – Fixed so that the pressure plate objective doesn’t show until you repaired the pipe and started the burner on each side of the ridge.