Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Doesn’t Hold Back On Its ESRB Rating

We all knew based on previous trailers released for the game, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus [...]


We all knew based on previous trailers released for the game, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus wasn't getting away with anything less than a Mature rating from the ESRB. Well, it's official, and there's a whole lot behind that rating, it seems.

According to the ESRB, the game has officially been given an "M" for mature, but when you get to its description, it's quite a doozy, talking about sexual scenarios and insane combat. Here's the breakdown, straight from the web page:

"This is a first-person shooter in which players assume the role of an American soldier (B.J. Blazkowicz) in an alternate universe where the Nazis won World War II. As players help B.J. and his comrades escape various situations, they use traditional and futuristic firearms (e.g., pistols, shotguns, laser blasters, grenade launchers) to kill enemy soldiers and larger mechanized units. Combat is frenetic, with realistic gunfire, explosions, screams of pain, and large blood-splatter effects. Some weapons allow players to blow off enemies' heads or cut off their limbs; cutscenes sometimes show decapitations and/or acts of disembowelment. One scene briefly depicts a clothed couple engaging in sexual activity (a character straddling another); moaning sounds can be heard before the couple appears on screen. A handful of scenes depict female characters with exposed breasts: a woman breastfeeding a baby; a woman's shirt getting torn off during a firefight. During the course of the game, a character is seen ingesting a hallucinogenic drug (e.g., sheet of acid, tab of LSD); both sequences involve instances of hallucination. The words "f**k," "sh*t," and "n*gger" appear in the dialogue."

So, yeah, all of this is coming together and likely to hit the player like a ton of bricks. But Wolfenstein hasn't held back in the past, so why would The New Colossus?

We'll see how the game fares when Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus arrives on October 27th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, and in 2018 for Nintendo Switch.