
WWE Superstar Cesaro Shows Off His New League of Legends Rank

If you keep up with WWE Superstar Cesaro’s online presence outside of the wrestling ring, […]

If you keep up with WWE Superstar Cesaro‘s online presence outside of the wrestling ring, you’ll probably know that he likes League of Legends. The pro wrestler took part in a special collaboration between WWE and Riot Games when League streamers acted as coaches to teach the athletes how to play as they prepped for a 5v5 face-off, but even after that, Cesaro has stuck with the game. He just shared an update on his journey through League’s ranked ladder and said that he’s now reached Silver III.

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Cesaro shared the tweet below this week to show off his new rank and credit Echo Fox founder Rick Fox as an inspiration for his climb. He added that his climb through ranked has gone quite well so far in the year, and from the sound of it, he’s planning on doing more climbing.

League players will of course know that the game’s currently in its offseason period right now. This means that ranked games don’t have the same impact that they would as if they were played in season, but many players stick to ranked anyway to have competitive matches and get in the mindset for the next season.

Cesaro took part in the WWE vs. NXT League match year as part of Imaqtpie’s team as seen in the video at the top. He played Sion during the game, and even though Team WWE eventually lost, you could tell from watching his player cam and his performance in-game that he was pretty into the match.

His Sion games have continued since then with the wrestler mainly sticking to the top lane when he plays. It looks like he’ll play support occasionally, but whatever position he’s in, he sticks with the tanky champions like Nasus, Sion, and Nautilus.

Cesaro even kept collaborating with Riot Games after the crossover match between the WWE and NXT teams. In another video seen above that was shared by Xavier Woods’ UpUpDownDown channel, Cesaro visited Riot Games during the company’s 10-year anniversary celebration of League and spoke with Marc Merrill, the co-creator of League and co-founder of Riot, while playing with some Riot Games employees.

League’s 10th competitive season is expected to start soon, so expect to see Cesaro continuing his climb through the ranks as the year goes on.