Xbox Live Games With Gold Releases Final Free Xbox 360 Game
The final game from the Xbox 360 era that will be made available as part of Microsoft's Xbox Live Games with Gold program is now able to be downloaded. Earlier this year, Microsoft preemptively informed fans that its Games with Gold service would be discontinuing new additions from the Xbox 360 beginning in October 2022. And while many Xbox Live Gold subscribers weren't thrilled to hear about this change, Microsoft is at least sending the Xbox 360 out on a high note with the addition of one of the console's best games.
Starting today, Valve's Portal 2 is now available to download for free for Xbox Live Gold members. Released all the way back in 2011, Portal 2 has gone on to be one of the most beloved games of all-time. Not only does it stand as a high point within its own genre, but the game is largely considered one of the best ever made in a general sense. Portal 2 still boasts a staggering 95/100 score on Metacritic, which makes it one of the best-reviewed video games that have ever been released.
It's worth stressing that if you're looking to download Portal 2 for yourself through Xbox Live Games with Gold, you don't have long to act. Unlike PlayStation Plus which makes new free titles available for the entirety of a given month, Portal 2 will only be redeemable until the end of the month. This means that you have a little over two weeks to add the game to your own digital library on Xbox.
At this point in time, we don't currently know what Games with Gold might look like moving forward without these new Xbox 360 additions. While Microsoft has said that it will be slimming its offerings down to only games from Xbox One, it remains to be seen if the titles that will be given out for free will improve in quality in notoriety. Either way, we don't have long to wait and find out given that October is just right around the corner.
Are you going to look to download Portal 2 for yourself now that it's on Xbox Live Games with Gold? Or do you happen to already own this classic puzzle game for yourself? Let me know either down in the comments or reach out to me on social media at @MooreMan12.