
Xbox Game Pass Subscribers Unhappy With New Game


Xbox Game Pass subscribers are unhappy with the latest Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X game added to the subscription service, though it has little to do with the actual game itself. The new game is actually limited to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate as it’s an EA Play game. As you may know, only Xbox Game Pass Ultimate users get access to the EA Play library, a perk afforded by the extra $5 a month they pay. That said, if you’re an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscriber, you may have noticed that NHL 22 was added to your Game Pass library yesterday.ย 

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Compared to other sports games — like FIFA, NBA 2K, Madden, and MLB The Show — the NHL games are nowhere near as popular for the simple reason hockey isn’t as popular. In other words, it’s not that popular of an addition, especially with the next game in the annual series only a few months away. This isn’t why people are upset though. Why so many Game pass subscribers aren’t happy the addition is because it’s not FIFA 22.ย 

Based on previous patterns, the expectation was that FIFA 22 would be added to EA Play at the start of the month. It’s not been added though, but NHL 22 has, despite releasing later than FIFA 22. So, what’s going on? Well, EA isn’t saying, and the silence is amplifying the unrest. The delay in adding it to EA Play likely has something to do with it being added to PS Plus this month, but this is just speculation.

Unfortunately, if FIFA 22 is being held from EA Play and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate because of the PlayStation Plus deal, the earliest it will be added is next month.

As always, we will keep you updated as the situation evolves. In the meantime, for more coverage on not just Xbox Game Pass, but all things Xbox in general — including not just the latest official news, but the latest unofficial news, rumors, leaks, and speculation — click here.