xQc Planning New Character for NoPixel GTA RP

Twitch streamer Felix 'xQc' Lengyel has had a lot of issues with NoPixel's GTA Online RP, and it [...]

Twitch streamer Felix "xQc" Lengyel has had a lot of issues with NoPixel's GTA Online RP, and it seems that a lot of people aren't particularly fond of his character "X." The streamer took to Twitter to air some frustrations about his role in the NoPixel server, claiming that he tries very hard to role-play, and a lot of people will cut clips short in order to make him look bad. As a result, xQc laid out his plans to either create a new character, or quit the RP altogether. In a May 5th stream, xQc confirmed that he'll focus on a new character, rather than leaving.

The original treat from xQc can be found embedded below.

This is not the first time that xQc has discussed plans to leave the NoPixel RP, and it will be interesting to see if a new character helps to fix the streamer's issues. His first character's real name is Jean Paul, but goes by "X." The character frequently ends up in trouble with the law. Ironically, that's also led to actual troubles for xQc, as he has received bans for actions taken while being arrested by the in-game police.

For those unfamiliar with the NoPixel RP, players essentially act out characters the entire time, and the server has very strict rules when it comes to staying in character. It's not hard to imagine xQc's presence in the RP could lead to some bad actors trying to get him in trouble. A lot of streamers have expressed how difficult the NoPixel RP can be, and it's led to some taking a break from the game. xQc has yet to debut his new character, but hopefully it will help the streamer stick with the game.

Are you a fan of xQc's NoPixel GTA RP streams? Are you interested to see the streamer's new character? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!

[H/T: Dexerto]