Halloween Ends marks Jamie Lee Curtis’ seventh appearance in the Halloween franchise as Laurie Strode, which is also expected to be her last, with Jimmy Kimmel attempting to hold the actor to those words by forcing her to sign a contract agreeing to that offer. Rather than being an actual legal agreement, the gesture was made in jest, as it is said to be enforced by the Haddonfield, Illinois police department. However, with Curtis claiming often that this would be her last time playing Laurie Strode, we feel like she didn’t even need the contract to agree to abandon the franchise indefinitely. Halloween Ends hits theaters and Peacock on October 14th.
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During an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the host presented Curtis with the contract, which read, “I declare this is my last Halloween movie. I, Jamie Lee Curtis, queen of scream, daughter of Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis, mother of Lindsay Lohan. Hereby sweareth under penalty of perjury, that Halloween Ends will be the last Halloween movie I will ever appear in. For all time, across all sequels, and multiverses. Enforceable by the Police Department of Haddonfield, Illinois. May God have mercy on all of us.”
Curtis then joked, “I should call my lawyer first before I sign anything,” but then went ahead and signed anyway.
Given that her Laurie Strode had previously been killed in the opening of 2002’s Halloween: Resurrection, the idea of her return seemed entirely unlikely, but with how much Curtis has praised this trilogy from filmmaker David Gordon Green, she seems to be much more fulfilled with this sendoff than the one her character earned 20 years ago.
“The last thing I ever thought I would do is another Halloween movie five years ago,” Curtis told PEOPLE (The TV Show!) earlier this year. “And then now I’ve made three of them. They have been incredibly well-received. People love them. This last movie is very emotional, deeply emotional.”
As to her emotional reaction on set, she confirmed, “Of course! I’m a sobber. I said goodbye to a crew of people who have been so generous to me, who were so warm and loving to me. Because Laurie Strode had the ‘S’ kicked out of her — she emotionally had so much going on, this sweet girl — and they were always there. It was hard to say goodbye to them.”
Halloween Ends hits theaters and Peacock on October 14th.
Do you think this will be Curtis’ final Halloween film? Let us know in the comments or contact Patrick Cavanaugh directly on Twitter to talk all things Star Wars and horror!