Jeremy Renner Hits Red Carpet for First Time Since Snowplow Accident

Jeremy Renner is officially out of the woods and is seemingly fully healed since his tragic accident this winter. The Hawkeye actor made his first appearance on a red carpet since the accident for his upcoming series Rennervations, which will make its debut on Disney+ on April 12. Renner has been in recovery for the past few months since the accident but has had enough time to do an interview on what happened to him, the extent of his injuries as well as his feelings while it was happening. Now it seems that the actor is excited to be back, and Rennervations is one of the things pushing him forward. In a new interview with Variety while at the premiere of Rennervations, Renner revealed that it was a goal to walk the red carpet for the new series. You can check out his red carpet appearance below.

"I was really adamant about them not pushing this thing while there was momentum with the brass at Disney, with us, with the timing of it in all of our lives. It just felt right," Renner said to the trade at the premiere of Rennervations. "I look a little beat up right now, but I promise you this show is what's propelling me to get better and makes me want to get better every day. I set out a goal to be walking this carpet. And here I am enjoying it. Otherwise it would have gone to an abyss with no date and lost traction and excitement and I would have been very, very, very frustrated. I'm very excited right now because we're here."

Jeremy Renner Recieved an Outpour of Love During Injury  

Fans and actors, including his Marvel Studios costars, were sending him well wishes and love since the accident, and now the co-creator of Mayor of Kingstown, which stars Renner, Hugh Dillion has given a heartwarming update on the actor's condition. During a recent interview with's Chris Killian, Dillon detailed his relief after he finally talked with the actor after his injuries.

"It was the biggest relief it was such a rollercoaster because when I got the news I wanted to fly out and find him and see him," Dillon told us. "Then he sent me a video the next day, the biggest relief in my life, because it was so funny and profane and I was just like, okay, he's gonna come back. He's just so funny. He's like a brother to me. It's like, you know, we've worked on this show for two years. This is my show I created with Taylor Sheridan and he's [Renner] just unstoppable. He's an exceptional talent and the crew loves him. The cast loves him. I love him, and it was, and my world stopped. I just want him to recover and then to get the video and, hey, you know, just profanity, profanity. You know, it just made me laugh and cry at the same time and I just thank God he's okay and he's, you know, on the road to recovery."

What Happened to Jeremy Renner?

A full account of what occurred after speaking with eye-witnesses and investigating the scene on their own, Sheriff Darin Balaam called the event "a tragic accident" and said they believe that Renner was not impaired at all during the event. According to the Sheriff, Renner was trying to remove a car that was stuck in the snow, exiting his snowcat afterward which then resulted in it running over and crushing his leg. Early reports on the incident noted he was in "critical but stable condition." 

"At this point in the investigation we do not believe Mr. Renner was impaired at all and we believe this is a tragic accident," Sheriff Balaam said in the latest update. "Washoe Sheriff's Office is in possession of his PistenBully (the snowcat) and we are analyzing it to rule out any potential mechanical failure of why it may have started to roll. This is part of our normal investigation process for any major investigation. As I mentioned earlier this investigation is ongoing. However, we do not suspect any foul play, I want to repeat that, we do not suspect any foul play. We believe this was a tragic accident."

What do you think about the actor's appearance? Are you glad Jeremy Renner is okay? Let us know in the comments section below or or by hitting up our writer @NateBrail on Twitter!