Former Navy Admiral Says We're in Contact With "Non-Human Intelligence"

Ret. Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet says it's possible the government's been in contact with "non-human intelligence."

Count retired Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet among those hoping for an increase in UFO-related transparency in the immediate future. In fact, the former head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) suggested in one recent interview the government has been in contact with "non-human intelligence."

"This technology, we're still trying to learn about and it could give us an advantage in any military conflict," Gallaudet said in a recent NewsNation interview. "That's a good reason not to disclose the nature of the technology. I think for the foreseeable future, we don't want to release and disclose all of the technology that we've recovered. However, I think it's about time that we do disclose that we are in contact with non-human intelligence, that's what needs to be put out there in the public."

In that same interview, Gallaudet hinted at a potential cover-up when he reported a UAP/UFO sighting during his time in the Navy.

"One of my jobs in the Navy, I was the chief meteorologist of the Navy at the time when Orion was encountering the UAP off the U.S. East Coast," Gallaudet said.

He added, "I learn now that these were occurring in training airspace and causing near mid-air collisions. So that safety issue is important. But the Navy didn't do anything about it. Then they actually pulled back that email from my computer on the secret network."

The retired Navy officer then said he believes the recent claims of David Grusch, the former intelligence official who's come forward with allegations of secret UFO retrieval programs.

"We're being visited by non-human intelligence with technology we really don't understand and with intentions we don't understand either," he continued.

Grusch recently said he's gotten additional clearance to reveal "firsthand" knowledge he has related to the UFO/UAP transparency movement.

"I will be discussing what I actually do know firsthand. I just could not overtly discuss that at the time, including at the (congressional) hearing because the Pentagon and the IC were sitting on some of my prepublication paperwork at the time," Grusch said in a new interview with NewsNation's Elizabeth Vargas earlier in the week.

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