UFO Activist Releases Heavily-Redacted Classified Military Report

Last summer, officials released an unclassified report about UFOs or UAP—Unidentified Aerial Phenomena—to the public. The report itself was disappointing to those awaiting its arrival, largely because its content failed to provide both UFO fiends and skeptics with any additional information other than what was already widely available. It neither confirmed nor denied whether alien life could be behind the vast majority of UAP sightings by members of the United States Armed Forces.

Fast forward to Tuesday, and UFO activist John Greenwald—the proprietor behind The Black Vault—released a classified version of the report. While Greenewald was able to obtain the classified version not released to the public, swaths of it were redacted and that information remains kept out of the public eye.

Despite the redactions, the classified report makes it clear there were plenty more details available that weren't included in the initial report. Amongst the various section visible in the classified report include "...a handful of UAP Appear to Demonstrate Advanced Technology" and "UAP PRobably Lack a Single Explanation."

Part of the redactions appear to include various charts and diagrams potentially related to the shapes of the monitored UAP.

The full, 17-page report can be viewed on The Black Vault.

When the report was first offered to Congress last year, many members of the intelligence community took a keen interest in it.

"It has become increasingly clear that unidentified aerial phenomena are not a rare occurrence and our government needs a unified way to gather, analyze, and contextualize these reports," Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said in a statement. Schiff chairs the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Senate Intelligence Committee chair Mark Warner (D-VA) offered a similar statement. "The frequency of these incidents only appears to be increasing. The United States must be able to understand and mitigate threats to our pilots, whether they're from drones or weather balloons or adversary intelligence capabilities," Warner added.