'Captain Marvel' Toy Reveals Goose the Cat is an Alien in the Movie

Fans of Captain Marvel have been wondering if Goose the cat would take after Chewie from the [...]

Fans of Captain Marvel have been wondering if Goose the cat would take after Chewie from the comics regarding her Flerken origins, and it seems a new toy has let the...ahem...cat out of the bag.

Alright, so sorry for the pun, but it was right there! Moving on, Captain Marvel made many fans happy when they revealed that the cat would be playing a part in the film,but one thing that has remained a mystery is whether Goose would be a Flerken, an alien species that take on the appearance of cats but are capable of far more than the average kitty. A new toy seems to have revealed the answer is yes.

The new toy appears to be from Hasbro and is a plush toy of the adorable cat with one big noticeable change from other promotional material. Little blue tendrils are coming out of Goose's mouth, and you can also see them on the little tag over to the side, suggesting that you can press a button or something and have them move or reach out. That's just conjecture of course but based on other toys of a similar nature.

The tendrils are a dead giveaway, and Captain Marvel News accompanied the image with the perfect comics image, which shows Chewie going full attack mode, springing huge teeth and a vareity of Octopus tendrils against a foe. She then closes her mouth with a few tendrils still showing, and it seems we'll see at least a hint of this in the movie. Honestly, we couldn't be happier about it, and you can check out the image above.

"We're about to see #GooseTheCat unleash her FLERKEN powers too! #CaptainMarvel"

If this is indeed the case, maybe one day we'll see the infamous Rocket Raccoon Chewie confrontation from the comics. At one point in the books, Captain Marvel heads off into space to run the Alpha Flight space station and ends up taking Chewie with her. Eventually, they encounter the Guardians of the Galaxy, and to say Rocket Raccoon loses his mind when he sees Chewie is an understatement. After literally trying to kill her Captain Marvel gets him to back off, but he keeps saying that the cat is actually part of a species known as Flerken, who happen to take the form of cats. He's eventually proven right of course, and they even end up working together to defend the ship at one point.

That just begs to be in Avengers: Endgame or Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, so here's hoping it eventually happens.

Captain Marvel hits theaters on March 8th.


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