Marvel Releases New Hawkeye: Kate Bishop Trailer

Kate Bishop's Hawkeye is onto a new adventure and Marvel just released a trailer for the first issue of her new run. Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #1 follows the hero as she tries to get back to her roots. As she embarks towards the East Coast, Bishop can't resist looking into a curious resort. There are mysteries hiding inside and a jewel heist being hatched, and it's up to Hawkeye to get to the bottom of it. Now, the private eye is basically walking right into a trap, but the challenge excites her. Things are going to get explosive and there's no shortage of trick arrows and tools at Kate's disposal. Marieke Nijkamp is in their element writing this story. Helping them bring this version of Hawkeye to life is Enid Balam. Oren Junior and Brittany Peer are aboard for inks and colors respectively. It's a new day for Kate Bishop, and this title hits shops on November 17th. (Perfect timing with the Hawkeye series on DIsney+ getting rolling near then as well.) Check out the trailer for yourself right here.

In a conversation with Bustle, Nijkamp gave fans some backstory for this run. "She's racked up quite a bit of experience running a very successful and definitely-very-legal-and-licensed private eye business," Nijkamp revealed, "She's revamped the West Coast Avengers."

"Because Kate's story is in flux right now, it's the perfect time to jump on board for the adventure." They continued, "You don't need to know where she was to enjoy the journey"

"They're obviously different interpretations of the same character, but isn't it cool that they can exist at the same time and all tie into her story?… I love Kate. I love her snark. I love the way she jumps first and asks questions later, but somehow still always finds a way out. What a time to be a Best Hawkeye fan!"

Hailee Steinfeld talked about the handing down of the baton in the Disney+ series with Entertainment Weekly, , "One thing I love so much about the Fraction comics is the banter between [Clint and Kate]. Jeremy and I definitely established that on a personal level right away... [There is] a similar dynamic with him taking me under his wing and showing me the ropes and then letting me do my thing." 

Will you be picking up Hawkeye: Kate Bishop? Let us know down in the comments!