Spider-Man: No Way Home Star Tom Holland Says Marvel Turned Down His Sex Scene Idea

Spider-Man: No Way Home star Tom Holland (jokingly) claims that Marvel Studios turned down his [...]

Spider-Man: No Way Home star Tom Holland (jokingly) claims that Marvel Studios turned down his idea for a sex scene in the next Spider-man movie. Capital FM posted a TikTok video from their interview with Tom Holland, in which the actor talks about making his own creative contributions to (presumably) Spider-Man: No Way Home, only to have one particular idea shot down: "I said 'I think We should have a really passionate sex scene,' and they're like no, I don't think so.'" If you know anything about Tom Holland and his comedic delivery by now, you know that he's kidding about trying to get a sex scene into a Spider-Man movie. Probably.

You can check out the TikTok video of Tom Holland's Spider-Man sex scene joke below - and here's the full quote of what he said:

"I mean I was writing scenes, and writing ideas, and coming up with set pieces, and just sending them off to Marvel. And a lot of them they were like 'No dude, that's a terrible idea.' But then there were a couple they took and they're in the movie and stuff, so it's a movie that I'm like really, really, involved in, not just as an actor."


happy birthday to my hero, tom holland 🍾 #tomholland #spiderman

♬ original sound - Capital

At that point Holland is asked by the show host about one big idea he really wanted that Marvel said no to - and that's when we get this cheeky response: "I said 'I think We should have a really passionate sex scene,' and they're like no, I don't think so.'"

The host and Holland banter for a second about how the Spider-Man star would've gone "method" for shooting that particular steamy scene, and we shudder to imagine what that even means.

This TikTok video was posted in celebration of Tom Holland's 25th birthday, which was on Tuesday, June 1st. A lot of fans were hoping (praying?) that Marvel was going to repeat the birthday gift that they gave Shang-Chi star Simu Liu, and drop the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer on Holland's birthday. Didn't happen.

However, while fans may be disappointed that the Spider-Man 3 trailer isn't here yet, all of the rumors surrounding this next Spider-Man movie have fans still believing the wait for the trailer will be worth it. Tom Holland's Peter Parker has had his superhero identity outed by Mysterio, which presumably shakes his world up. However, Spider-Man's world may literally get shaken up when villains and Spider-men of different realities begin invading the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

That's just the story rumors point to, but if true, I could be a crowded playing field - so hopefully Tom Holland got to put his creative stamp on it in some way.

Spider-Man: No Way Home will be in theaters on December 17th.