Chris Evans appeared as Captain America in over a dozen properties set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, helming his own trilogy as one of the franchise’s original Avengers. At a recent convention appearance, Evans revealed which of those appearances was his favorite and, to no surprise, his favorite matches the favorite of most MCU fans. That’s right, Evans’ personal Marvel favorite is none other than Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
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“[Captain America: The Winter Soldier is] my personal favorite Marvel movie that I was a part of. It’s not just for the movie itself but the experience,” Evans said during a spotlight panel at Emerald City Comic Con. “The first film, I was so nervous. You know what you’re stepping into and as a result you’re playing defense and you’re playing not to lose. When Winter Solider came around, we were playing to win. And it’s the first movie with the Russo Brothers. We were taking more risks, and the character felt more fleshed out. It was one of the more satisfying experiences I’ve had in my Marvel run.”
Since Evans’ last appearance as Rogers in 2019’s Avengers: Endgame, there have many conflicting reports as to whether the actor will ever return to the role. As recently as last year, the actor himself said a return didn’t quite feel right.
“It’s tough, because look, I love that role deeply,” Evans said at C2E2 in 2023. “He means so much to me, and I really do. I think there’s more Steve Rogers stories to tell, sure. But at the same time, I’m very, very precious with it โฆ it’s like this little shiny thing that I have that I love so much, and I just don’t want to mess up in any way. I was a part of something that was so special for the special period of time and, in a way, it really landed so well.”
Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige has also denied any such notion, saying in 2021 that he believes Evans’ Steve Rogers is done for.
“I rarely answer no to anything anymore because things are always surprising me with what happens, but that rumor, I think, was dispelled rather quickly by the man himself,” Feige said wide-ranging Entertainment Weekly issue.
Avengers: Endgame, and all of Evans’ other Captain America appearances, are now streaming on Disney+.