Kevin Smith Praises James Gunn for Debunking DC Rumors

Kevin Smith had some praise for the way James Gunn has handled addressing DC Films rumors so far. The filmmaker is now the head of the Warner Bros. movie division, and he's been shooting down random reports left and right. Just this week, the Guardians of the Galaxy director told fans that they had not cast Superman yet, despite the rumors. A lot of viewers like that he will come directly on Twitter and tell the people what's going on. However, it's going to be hard to judge his tenure until there's a concrete plan out in the world and some projects announced. But, its been a constant source of fascination for DC fans to be able to appeal to the man himself. Check out what Smith had to say on Fatman Beyond.

"I like how James is just being his own publicist for the entire DC/Warner Bros. division. Whatever it is. Like, it's smart. Everyone should be as accountable as he is. I know a lot of people are like, 'Ah, I don't like what he's doing!' But, at least he's answering questions. He's not hiding. And he's not being sh**** about it… He's like, 'Look, we're doing a thing. And we're sorry if that hurts some people's feelings.' I respect that he's answering questions. He doesn't have to. How often does anybody over at Marvel go 'Alright, let's address the fans' concerns!' It doesn't really happen."

What's The Plan For DC Going Forward?

On social media, Gunn tried to lay out his plans for DC Films with Safran. A lot of people appreciate this transparency and hope it continues. "One of the things Peter & I were aware of when we took the job as heads of DC Studios was a certain minority of people online that could be, well, uproarious & unkind, to say the least," Gunn said on Instagram. "Our choices for the DCU are based upon what we believe is best for the story & best for the DC characters who have been around for nearly 85 years. Perhaps these choices are great, perhaps not, but they are made with sincere hearts & integrity & always with the story in mind." 

He also mentioned, "No one loves to be harassed or called names – but, to be frank, we've been through significantly worse. Disrespectful outcry will never, ever affect our actions. We were aware there would be a period of turbulence when we took this gig, & we knew we would sometimes have to make difficult & not-so-obvious choices, especially in the wake of the fractious nature of what came before us. But this means little to us in comparison to our jobs as artists & custodians in helping to create a wide & wonderful future for DC." 

Do you like his early moves as DC Films head? Let us know down in the comments!