Last year, Fast & Furious franchise star, Vin Diesel, made a public plea to persuade Dwayne Johnson to return for the upcoming Fast and Furious 10. The Rock slammed Diesel’s request, calling it “an example of his manipulation” and confirmed he would not be returning to play Luke Hobbs in the final two Fast Saga movies. While fans will surely miss The Rock’s presence, it was announced this week that another big star will join for the tenth film. Aquaman actor Jason Momoa has officially been cast in the movie, which is arriving in 2023. In honor of all this Fast Saga news, artist BossLogic shared some fun fan art mashing up The Fast and the Furious with another beloved franchise, Back to the Future. They went to space in F9… why not time travel?!
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“The team travel back in time before the big bang to discover the true source of speed, only to run into Barry Allen, he warns Dom that you can’t bring your father back, there are world changing consequence, Dom whispered ‘Time is family’ saves his father. Fast Point Paradox,” BossLogic wrote. You can check out the post below:
Fast and Furious 10 is lined up to be released next year, after previously having been delayed by a month. While it’s unclear exactly when production will begin, Diesel has hinted that it will be worth the wait.
“It is back-to-back,” Diesel previously told “The target release date is 02/23 for the first one and 02/24 for the second one. We were supposed to release this movie last year, prior to the pandemic. So I guess what’s different about this release is that we’re a year into development and pre-production on Fast 10. And so I’m doing these interviews and it’s bizarre because I have to go back to Fast 9. I’m celebrating the release of Fast 9, but I have so much more to celebrate.”
According to director Justin Lin, the final two movies will be ambitious.
“The idea of the last chapter being two films is correct,” Lin explained last September. “I have to say, I’m so glad – because I think when I first entered this franchise, a sequel was not a given. You had to earn it, you know? And so to be sitting here talking to you and go, ‘Oh yeah, there’s gonna be two more movies!’ I’m like, ‘Wow.’ It means a lot. So, every day when I wake up, I’m trying to reconfigure and make sure hopefully whatever we’re talking about process-wise is gonna yield the best result. But I think having one chapter in two movies is correct. That’s where I sit today.”
“There’s an ambition of what we want to do and there’s also real-world issues that we’re encountering,” Lin said of filming back-to-back. “But I feel like, for me, I don’t want to be greedy. I want to do what’s best for the process.”
Fast and Furious 10 is scheduled to hit theaters on May 19, 2023.