
Ghostbusters: Five Best Moments in the First Trailer

The new Ghostbusters trailer is here, and shows off the new team, following in the footsteps of […]

The new Ghostbusters trailer is here, and shows off the new team, following in the footsteps of four scientists in the 80s who saved the world.

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It also shows off the humor, action, and tons of ghosts fans can expect out of the new movie. While we have to wait for July 15, 2016 to actually see how the full movie plays out, that doesn’t mean we can’t focus on the awesome that’s in this first two minutes of footage today.

Check out our picks for the five best moments in the first Ghostbusters trailer, and add yours in the comments!

The Music (and the Symbol)

There are two things that people will always associate with Ghostbusters, and that’s the song and the symbol. We get both those things in the opening moments of the trailer, of course with an ever so slight twist. It’s a perfect way of saying, “We’re here, we’re the Ghostbusters, but we’re something new, too.”

The Team Shot

Fans of the original Ghostbusters probably remember the feeling of seeing the team all together for the first time. We see that in this trailer, with the Ecto-1 in the background, and it’s just cool. Of course, as these particularly funny ladies are wont to do, they kind of (purposely) ruin the moment, but that just shows you how this spin of the film will be.


Is it nostalgia? Of course it is! But it’s also just fun seeing that lovable, goofy ghost Slimer back again. It also gives the movie a great, direct tie to the originals from the 80s and the cartoon that followed.

A S*** Ton of Ghosts

You can’t have Ghostbusters without the ghosts to bust, and it looks like we’ll see more than ever before on the big screen in this one. In more than one scene in the trailer, we see a lot of ghosts, but nothing shows how big the ghost problem is than the shot above, where the entire city is just packed wall-to-wall with Ghosts. They’re on the street, they’re in the skies, and these four Ghostbusters look they need to get to work.

The Power of Patty Compels You

Maybe it’s just fun to watch Melissa McCarthy get slapped, but they sell this scene better than any other in the trailer. It has the humor, it has action, and it has ghost possession, so it has everything you want out of Ghostbusters. That final line is alsow the most laugh-out-loud of the whole trailer