Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Director James Gunn Praises Will Poulter as Adam Warlock

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 director James Gunn had some serious praise for Will Poulter's Adam Warlock. The New York Times sat down with the MCU's newest superhero and they talked about how he found himself covered in gold body paint. Gunn said that he had a very specific reason for casting Poulter in a role that a lot of Hollywood heavyweights wanted to play. In essence, the filmmaker was trying to play up that this is essentially a much more formative time for The Savior Of Worlds. Marvel fans have been waiting on Adam Warlock to pop-up since the post-credits scene in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. He finally blasts onto the scene in this entry, and Gunn can't say enough about how Poulter brought his vision to life.

"He brought life and reality to someone who is essentially a child in the body of an adult," Gunn explained. "And, he got yoked… Will is completely easy, listens to everything, and is simultaneously very serious and game for anything. He's down to earth and just plain fun to be around."

Marvel is hoping people want more of Adam Warlock in the future. But, Poulter knows that those kinds of decisions are above his head. The actor is confident that his turn in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 could lead to more appearances in the future.

"It kind of hinges on how people respond to the character," Poulter mused in the same interview. "If the fans don't like Adam Warlock, obviously I'm going to be pretty gutted. My family's opinion means a lot, but it's not necessarily going to bring me back as the character."

Adam Warlock Debuts In Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3? talked to Poulter about his big entrance in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. In the interview, he revealed that he had no idea he was auditioning for Adam Warlock. Poulter had to play the Marvel Studios game, where you don't have a firm idea of who you're trying to play. Gunn was very pleased with the results and the rest quickly snapped into place.

"When I first auditioned for Adam and sent in a tape, I really didn't even know who I was auditioning for," Poulter began. "I was auditioning for an untitled character, so that was confusing but eventually, I was drip-fed the information about the being I was trying to portray. I knew that this character had been teased at the end of the second movie, but it was a welcome surprise to find out it was a character that's been steeped in this comic book history and crosses over with [Chukwudi Iwuji's] character."

How pumped are you for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3? Let us know down in the comments!