New Escape From New York Movie to Be a Requel According to Radio Silence Directors (Exclusive)

Last year, Tyler Gillett and Matt Bettinelli-Olpin introduced the world to the idea of the "requel" in Scream, the fifth installment of the beloved horror franchise. Inspired by franchise reboots that mix the new and the old, a requel is a movie that revisits the subject matter of an earlier film without being a remake or a linear continuation of the original plot. Now, the Radio Silence filmmakers are busy promoting their next film, Scream VI. While chatting with's Chris Killian, the duo also talked about another upcoming project, the Escape From New York reboot they're making with their fellow creative, Chad Villella. However, it sounds like fans can officially stop using the term "reboot" and start using "requel" when it comes to the new Escape From New York. 

"It's a great question. I don't think we know enough about the movie yet to be able to say anything, but yes 'requel' is the idea," the directors shared with Killian when asked if the movie would be a requel that could involve Escape From New York star, Kurt Russell. "There's no way to remake how great that movie is, would be a fool's errand to try. So, you know, we'll try to borrow what we love from it and find a new way to put the package together."

When asked who is more daunting to follow, Wes Craven or John Carpenter, the duo laughed. "We are gluttons for punishment," Gillett joked. "I don't know what we're doing." 

How Does John Carpenter Feel About the New Escape From New York

When Variety asked Carpenter about whether he will be involved with the new Escape From New York, the iconic filmmaker replied, "No one told me about it. This is the thing about my career in Hollywood -- no one tells me anything. They never tell me things. Have they cast it yet?" 

After being told the movie was still in early development and the Radio Silence directors would be taking the helm, Carpenter reiterated how detached he was from all of it. "Hey, great. The last I heard was they were developing it where Snake would be a woman. But, no, I haven't heard about this latest thing. No one wants me around, and they don't tell me anything to keep me in the dark. It's safer for them."

Are you excited the new Escape From New York is set to be a requel? Tell us in the comments! 

Scream VI is hitting theaters on March 10th.