During the NCAA Basketball National Championship, Warner Bros. released the first TV spot for Man of Steel. At first glance, the TV spot appeared to be just a scaled down version of the second Man of Steel trailer, but closer inspection reveals a couple of changes.There are two changes we noticed. There appears to be about half a second more of Henry Cavill footage, as he says, “Where do I come from?” However, the biggest change is that is actually some brief new footage of Jonathan Kent hugging a young Clark Kent.It’s interesting that the only substantial change Warner Bros made from the trailer footage was the addition of the Jonathan hugging Clark scene. When the second trailer was first released, it garnered almost universal praise. However, the one scene that generated some controversy was a scene between Jonathan Kent and young Clark Kent.In the second trailer, Jonthan Kent admonishes a young Clark Kent for rescuing drowning kids from a bus telling him, “You have to keep this side of yourself a secret.” Young Clark Kent snaps back, “What was I supposed to do, just let them die?” To which, Jonathan Kent responds, “Maybe.” Some fans complained that scene seemed out of character from the Jonathan Kent who had always been somewhat of a moral compass for young Clark Kent in the comics. Of course, other fans pointed out that maybe the scene was being shown out of context.Could the inclusion of the new scene with Jonathan Kent hugging young Clark Kent be Warner Bros. responding to that criticism from the second trailer? Are they trying to show fans that Jonathan Kent really is a loving, caring person?Update: Yeah, I goofed. Rather than deleting the article, I just wanted to admit I goofed.ย Even after watching the trailer multiple times I had missed the Jonathan Kent hugging scene mixed in the darkness and explosions in the original trailer, so there was nothing really new in this trailer. It was just cut in a different way that made it stand out a little more to me, but Warner Bros. gave us the same footage just cut a little differently.
New Man Of Steel Footage Shows Different Side Of Jonathan Kent
During the NCAA Basketball National Championship, Warner Bros. released the first TV spot for Man […]